Senator Santarsiero and Representative Brennan Announce $4.4 Million for Doylestown Water Treatment Project

BUCKS COUNTY – July 18, 2024 – State Senator Steve Santarsiero (D-10) and Representative Tim Brennan (D-29) today announced a $4,415,435 grant to Doylestown Township Municipal Authority from Pennsylvania Infrastructure Investment Authority (PENNVEST) for a water treatment project in the Doylestown Hunt neighborhood.

Doylestown Township Municipal Authority will use the funds to construct a 45-foot x 25-foot PFAS treatment facility to address PFAS contamination in two existing wells. The facility will house carbon filtration units, as well as iron and manganese treatment units, to remove the PFAS contaminants from the groundwater.

“I advocated for these funds for this critical project in Doylestown Township because clean, safe drinking water is a constitutional right of all Pennsylvanians,” said Senator Santarsiero.  “Infrastructure upgrades like this ensure our residents do not have to worry about potential health effects from contaminated water.”

“This is a significant investment into our water treatment system, and I appreciate PENNVEST’s attention to our community’s infrastructure needs,” Rep. Brennan said. “Ensuring that everyone has access to safe water is a fundamental responsibility of government, and this project demonstrates a strong commitment to reducing public health risks and protecting the environment – lending to our community’s overall wellbeing.”

The project will bring the Authority’s PFAS and manganese levels into regulatory limits significantly reducing health risks typically associated with PFAS and manganese contamination in drinking water.

The award is funded by the federal Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA).


Senator Santarsiero and Representative Davis Announce $424,000 to Support Bristol Fire Companies

BUCKS COUNTYJuly 17, 2024 – State Senator Steve Santarsiero (D-10) and Representative Tina Davis (D-141) visited four Bristol fire companies today to announce state grant awards to support public safety and the work of the fire companies.

The four awards are as follows:

  • Bristol Consolidated Volunteer Fire Company: $40,000 for Command Vehicle
  • American Hose, Hook & Ladder: $181,000 for Rescue Equipment
  • Bristol Fire Co: $78,000 for Rescue Equipment
  • Third District Fire Co: $125,000 for Pumper Truck

“Our local volunteer fire companies, the firefighters, administrators, and support personnel, sacrifice so much to protect us all,” said Rep. Davis. “This state funding will help them obtain the equipment that they need to do their job a little more safely and effectively. Thank you to these amazing individuals for their selfless dedication to keeping our community safe.”

“Our volunteer firefighters do tremendous work, putting the community first to keep us safe,” said Sen. Santarsiero.  “I was happy to support these funds for equipment upgrades at four companies that serve Bristol Borough and Bristol Township, ensuring these brave men and women have the necessary resources to continue to serve the community.  It is critical we continue to support our fire companies and volunteer firefighters who work tirelessly on the front line to protect us.”    

Senator Santarsiero and Representative Davis Announce $424,000 to Support Bristol Fire Companies

Senator Santarsiero and Representative Davis Announce $424,000 to Support Bristol Fire Companies

Senator Santarsiero and Representative Davis Announce $424,000 to Support Bristol Fire Companies

Bi-Partisan Bill to Protect State Investments in Israel Passes Senate

HARRISBURGJune 27, 2024 − Senate Bill 1260, a bill to protect state investments in Israel, passed the Senate today.  The bi-partisan legislation is sponsored by Senators Steve Santarsiero (D-10) and Kristin Phillips-Hill (R-28) and seeks to send a strong message that Pennsylvania stands with Israel.

“The United States and our Commonwealth have long stood in support of Israel and the Jewish people,” said Senator Santarsiero.  “Now, at a time when antisemitism is on the rise here at home and around the globe, we must remain steadfast in our support for our democratic ally in the Middle East and reject calls to boycott or divest from Israel.”

Senate Bill 1260 would uphold Pennsylvania’s steadfast support for Israel by prohibiting holdings in the Pennsylvania State Treasury or Commonwealth pension funds from boycotting or divesting from Israel and companies doing business with Israel.  The bill will also withhold state funding from any institution of higher learning that boycotts or divests from Israel.

“Our nation’s number one ally in the Middle East has been and will continue to be a critical partner in commerce and trade,” said Senator Phillips-Hill. “This legislation is a much-needed protection to avoid divestiture due to rampant antisemitism we are seeing across our country. We will not be detracted from our steadfast support for the State of Israel and its people.”

The legislation will have no impact on investment decisions made solely in advancing the financial position of the funds.

Senator Santarsiero first sponsored similar legislation in 2015 to prohibit the state from giving funds to any Pennsylvania university that divests from Israel.

Senate Bill 1260 will now move to the state House for consideration.


Bill to Protect State Investments in Israel Moves Out of Senate Committee

HARRISBURGJune 25, 2024− Senate Bill 1260, a bill to protect state investments in Israel, was voted out of the Senate State Government Committee today.  The bi-partisan legislation is sponsored by Senators Steve Santarsiero (D-10) and Kristin Phillips-Hill (R-28) and seeks to send a strong message that Pennsylvania stands with Israel.

“Israel is the only true democracy in a volatile region of the world and a long-standing ally of the United States,” said Senator Santarsiero.  “It is critical that we do everything we can to promote trade and commercial activities with Israel and do not give in to misguided pressure to divest from Israel.”

Senate Bill 1260 would uphold Pennsylvania’s steadfast support for Israel by prohibiting holdings in the Pennsylvania State Treasury or Commonwealth pension funds from boycotting or divesting from Israel and companies doing business with Israel.  The bill will also withhold state funding from any institution of higher learning that boycotts or divests from Israel.

“Like America, Israel will not be bullied by detractors,” Phillips-Hill said. “This bipartisan measure ensures that antisemitic tactics will never weaken our unwavering resolve to stand with our most vital ally in the Middle East.”

The legislation will have no impact on investment decisions made solely in advancing the financial position of the funds.

Senator Santarsiero first sponsored similar legislation in 2015 to prohibit the state from giving funds to any Pennsylvania university that divests from Israel.

Senate Bill 1260 may now be brought up for a full vote of the Senate.


Senator Santarsiero and Representative Warren Announce State Funds for Restoration of Slate Hill Cemetery

BUCKS COUNTYJune 24, 2024 − Senator Steve Santarsiero (D-10) and Representative Perry Warren (D-31) announced today Lower Makefield Township has been awarded $33,250 in state funding to restore the historic Slate Hill Cemetery. The award is one of 44 awards statewide through the Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission 2023-2024 Keystone Historic Preservation Grant program.

Lower Makefield Township will use the funds to restore Slate Hill Cemetery, one of the oldest cemeteries in the United States.  The project will include the repair and restoration of headstones in the cemetery, both preserving the history of the property and improving safety to host public and educational events. 

“Slate Hill Cemetery tells an important story about the founding of Lower Makefield Township and Bucks County,” said Senator Santarsiero.  “I am proud to have supported this funding award, which will go a long way toward preserving the rich history of our area and keeping the story alive.”

“Slate Hill Burying Ground reflects over three centuries of local history,” said Rep. Warren. “This Keystone Historic Preservation Grant recognizes and will help maintain and restore this Nationally Registered Historic Place into its fourth century.”

Listed in the National Register of Historic Places, the cemetery is the resting place of many of the original settlers of Bucks County and has the oldest original headstone in the county. 

Additional information about the Keystone Historic Preservation Grant program can be found on the Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission website.


Senators Santarsiero and Phillips-Hill Announce Legislation to Protect State Investments in Israel

HARRISBURG – June 7th, 2024 – Senators Steve Santarsiero (D-10) and Kristin Phillips-Hill (R-28) announced legislation to uphold Pennsylvania’s steadfast support for Israel by prohibiting holdings in the Pennsylvania State Treasury or Commonwealth pension funds from boycotting or divesting from Israel and companies doing business with Israel.  The bill will also withhold state funding from any institution of higher learning that boycotts or divests from Israel.

The legislation is being introduced in the wake of protests this spring on college campuses across the United States, during which in some cases protesters were successful in getting universities to consider divesting from Israel and companies that do business with the Israeli government.

“It is important that Pennsylvania continue to promote trade and commercial activities with Israel given Israel’s strategic importance to the United States as a long-standing ally and the only true democracy in a volatile region of the world,” said Senator Santarsiero.  “To that end, we must act to prevent our Commonwealth, including our colleges and universities, from taking the wholly unwarranted action of divesting from Israel.”

“Policymakers at all levels of government need to do everything possible to support our nation’s number one ally in the Middle East: Israel,” said Senator Phillips-Hill.  “Like America, Israel will not be bullied by detractors. A strong and prosperous Israel needs a strong partner in the United States. This bipartisan measure will ensure that no one can use antisemitic tactics to weaken our resolve to stand with Israel.” 

The legislation will have no impact on investment decisions made solely in advancing the financial position of the funds.

Senator Santarsiero first sponsored similar legislation in 2015 to prohibit the state from giving funds to any Pennsylvania university that divests from Israel.

Senators Santarsiero and Phillips-Hill plan to introduce the legislation in the coming weeks.

Bucks Area Kicks Off Transformative Blue Zones Well-Being Initiative

(L to R): State Senator Steve Santarsiero, Kimberly Everett, Executive Director, BCHIP and Margaret Brown, Blue Zones, VP Business Development.

BUCKS COUNTY – May 31, 2024 – A transformative initiative to improve the health and well-being of area residents, Blue Zones Ignite Bucks Area, was announced today by State Senator Steve Santarsiero (D-10) and Bucks County Health Improvement Partnership (BCHIP).  Funded by a state grant, the Senator and BCHIP have partnered with Blue Zones to conduct a community-wide assessment of the Bucks area for the purpose of recommending infrastructure, policy, and other improvements that will help determine how to make our community into a healthier and happier place to live, work, grow up and grow old.

“The Blue Zones model has the potential to transform our community in a way that will make people’s lives better and allow them to live longer and healthier,” said Senator Santarsiero.  “I’m excited to see the assessment phase unfold and I look forward to working with the stakeholders to develop a plan that truly can be transformative.”

The Blue Zones approach is based on their 25 years of research and scientifically proven lessons of longevity, health and happiness, from the longest-living communities in the world, and their work transforming well-being at the population level in more than 75 communities across the country. During the Ignite phase of the partnership, Blue Zones will assess the current state of the Bucks area community’s well-being through engagement and education with local leaders and community members, culminating in recommendations for a full-scale transformation of the area.

Ben Leedle, CEO of Blue Zones and Co-founder of Blue Zones Project, said, “We are looking forward to partnering with Bucks area leaders in this shared vision of a stronger, more resilient future for the region. Research shows investing in well-being at the community level brings exponential returns in healthier and happier people, a better and more productive workforce, and a stronger economy, but it takes pioneering community leaders to come together and champion the cause.”

Blue Zones Ignite Bucks Area includes Bristol Township, Bristol Borough, Falls Township, Tullytown Borough, Morrisville Borough, Lower Makefield Township, Yardley Borough, Newtown Township, Newtown Borough, Upper Makefield Township, Solebury Township, New Hope Borough, Buckingham Township, Doylestown Township, Doylestown Borough, Plumstead Township, New Britain Township, New Britain Borough and Chalfont Borough.

Kimberly Everett, BCHIP Executive Director said, “BCHIP is looking forward to working with Senator Santarsiero and the Blue Zone team to identify opportunities and new collaborations that will improve the health and wellbeing of our community.”

Immediately following the kickoff announcement, the Blue Zones Ignite Steering Committee convened for their first meeting.  The Steering Committee is comprised of the area’s healthcare, educational, business and community and infrastructure planning leaders.

“We’ve seen great enthusiasm from community partners about this assessment,” continued Sen. Santarsiero.  “Everyone is excited to get started and work together to improve our community.  Throughout the summer, we’ll be engaging residents of the 10th District in conversations to learn more about the initiative and to solicit feedback.”

Senator Santarsiero will host a telephone town hall with BCHIP and Blue Zones at 7pm on July 9th to introduce the project to tens of thousands of residents across the Bucks area.  Residents in the project area can register to receive the call to join the July 9th telephone town hall at


About Bucks County Health Improvement Partnership (BCHIP)

BCHIP seeks to provide a leadership role in Bucks County through a collaborative approach to address gaps in health services and to improve the health status of the community. BCHIP was established over 25 years ago with support from our Bucks County Hospitals, The Bucks County Department of Health and the Bucks County Medical Society with a shared vision of improving the health in Bucks County. These organizations continue to identify opportunities to coordinate their efforts to identify gaps in services and identify resources to address these gaps.

About Blue Zones®

Blue Zones employs evidence-based ways to help people live better, longer. The company’s work is rooted in the identification, explorations, and research done by National Geographic Fellow Dan Buettner of the blue zones regions around the world, where people live extraordinarily long and/or happy lives. The original research and findings were released in Buettner’s bestselling books “The Blue Zones Solution,” “The Blue Zones of Happiness,” “The Blue Zones,” “Thrive,” and “Blue Zones Kitchen” – all published by National Geographic books. Using original Blue Zones research, Blue Zones works with cities and counties to make healthy choices easier through permanent and semi-permanent changes to our human-made surroundings. Participating communities have experienced double-digit drops in obesity and tobacco use and have saved millions of dollars in health care costs. For more information, visit

Senator Santarsiero & Representative Brennan Announce $802,000 in State Grants Through PennDOT

BUCKS COUNTY – April 29, 2024 – State Senator Steve Santarsiero (D-10) and Representative Tim Brennan (D-29) announced today Doylestown Township will receive $700,000 in state funds for a trail improvement project and TMA Bucks will receive $102,029 to further traffic safety education in grades K-8.

The Doylestown trail project will close a gap between two existing trails, create a safe walking and bicycling connection into Doylestown’s central business district, and enhance connections to Central Park. The proposed trail is approximately 0.4 miles long and will be located on the west side of Easton Road. The project includes a new structure mounted barrier on the Easton Road bridge over SR 202 Bypass to create a safe space on the bridge for walkers and bicyclists.

“Any time we can join existing trails together we are improving recreational access across our communities, improving both the health and safety for pedestrians and cyclists,” said Senator Santarsiero.  “We are fortunate to have an extensive network of trails in the Doylestown area, and across Bucks County, and I am pleased to support this investment to continue to grow that network.”

Representative Tim Brennan (D-29), who represents Doylestown Township, said, “I appreciate Governor Shapiro making this this investment in connecting communities, in walking and biking recreation opportunities, and in educating our grade school kids who are learning about healthy habits and preserving their environment. I’m especially pleased in the continued investment in Doylestown’s trails – this latest round of funding will enhance the outdoor experience for both residents and tourists.”

TMA Bucks will use the funds to focus on traffic safety education for elementary aged children, offering in-school assemblies on transportation safety related topics.

“TMA Bucks provides excellent educational resources about transportation safety,” said Sen. Santarsiero.  “Engaging the youngest members of our community on these issues is a key component to understanding how roadway, pedestrian and cyclist safety keep our overall community safe.”

Additional information about the funding and awards can be found on PennDOT’s website.


Senator Santarsiero and Representative Davis Announce $2 Million to Repair Randall Avenue Bridge in Bristol Township

BUCKS COUNTY – March 26, 2024 – State Senator Steve Santarsiero (D-10) and Representative Tina Davis (D-141) announced today $2 million in state funding to support the repair and renovation of the Randall Avenue bridge in Bristol Township.  The funding is part of the Pennsylvania Department of Community and Economic Development (DCED) Multimodal Transportation Fund.

“The repair and re-opening of the Randall Avenue bridge is critical for the safety of Bristol Township residents,” said Senator Santarsiero.  “This is an important first step while state and federal officials support the township’s long-term goal of rebuilding and replacing the structure.  I will continue to work with the township to address the concerns of the residents and the community, and support state funding for the rebuilding of the bridge.”

“I was happy to work with Senator Santarsiero to bring this substantial funding together to assist the township with moving the Randall Ave Bridge renovation forward,” said Rep. Davis. “The residents have been very patient throughout this process, and we owe it to them to ensure critical public safety personnel can get to them in a timely manner.  I am hopeful that this funding will help make that goal a reality very soon.”

The bridge has been closed since February 2023 due to safety concerns.  The bridge, owned and maintained by Bristol Township, crosses the train tracks operated by Amtrak along its Northeast Corridor route.  Sen. Santarsiero and Rep. Davis participated in a public meeting in January 2024 to hear directly from residents about the importance of safely reopening the bridge. 

“We extend our gratitude to both Senator Santarsiero and Representative Davis for their partnership and investment in Bristol Township’s shared future”, Bristol Township Council President Craig Bowen stated upon receiving the news of $2 million secured in multimodal funding. “This generous support, along with additional support from Congressman Fitzpatrick, emphasizes all of our commitment to ensuring safe and reliable transportation for all residents and visitors, and more specifically to our Edgely residents we heard from during our Town Hall Meeting. With these grant funds, we will work to restore and reopen the “Edgely” Bridge, while continuing to seek funding for a much-needed full bridge replacement.”

The Multimodal Transportation Fund provides grants to encourage economic development and ensure that a safe and reliable system of transportation is available to the residents of the commonwealth.  Additional information can be found on the DCED website


Senator Santarsiero Announces Legislation to Jumpstart New Era of Reliable, Sustainable Energy in Pennsylvania

BUCKS COUNTY March 20, 2024 – State Senator Steve Santarsiero (D-10) announced today new legislation to jumpstart a new era of reliable, sustainable energy development in Pennsylvania.  Following Governor Shapiro’s ambitious energy announcement last week, Senator Santarsiero will be introducing legislation for new standards for energy generation, the Pennsylvania Reliable Energy Sustainability Standard (PRESS). 

“I have long said that it’s a false premise to say we must choose between creating jobs OR saving our planet,” said Senator Santarsiero.  “I am proud to see Gov. Shapiro leading the way and bringing together the interests of consumers, labor and the environment to find a solution that works for all of us.  To that end, I am proud to introduce legislation to create the Pennsylvania Reliable Energy Sustainability Standard, the next generation of alternative energy portfolio standards for the Commonwealth.”

PRESS continues all of the successful elements of the Alternative Energy Portfolio Standards (AEPS) while making it more inclusive—adding nuclear power, next generation technologies like fusion, and clean forms of natural gas for the first time.  This revitalized energy standard will deliver outsized economic value, improve the reliability of our electricity grid, and position Pennsylvania as a leader in the energy arena for the next twenty years. 

PRESS raises the target for the cleanest and renewable energy projects in Tier I to 35% by 2035; it raises the target for Tier II to 10%; and it creates a new Tier III that includes important alternative sources or of power like co-blended or low emission natural gas and other step-stone resources with a 5% target by 2035. In addition, PRESS ensures the continuity of our existing clean energy nuclear fleet by creating a mechanism for those facilities to receive support in the event they are threatened with closure.

Specifically, the three-tier structure will be comprised as follows: 

Tier I  

  1.  Solar photovoltaic and solar thermal energy, including solar DG. 
  1. Wind power. 
  1. Low-impact hydropower. 
  1. Geothermal energy. 
  1. Small Modular Reactors (SMR) 
  1. Fusion technology 
  1. Coal mine fugitive emissions. 
  1. Biologically derived fugitive emissions. 

Tier II (limited to in-state Pennsylvania resources)

  1. Non-solar distributed generation systems (including combined heat and power).  
  1. Demand-side management.  
  1. Large-scale hydropower.  
  1. Natural gas or coal using clean hydrogen (80%) co-fired blend or equivalent carbon intensity reduction technologies.  
  1. Fuel cells.  
  1. Biomass energy.  
  1. 24-hour storage co-located with a Tier I resource.  
  1. Tier I reliable energy sources. 

Tier III  (limited to in-state Pennsylvania resources)

  1. Natural gas or coal using clean hydrogen (20%) co-fired blend or equivalent carbon intensity reduction technologies.  
  1. Waste coal.  
  1. Municipal solid waste.  
  1. Integrated combined coal gasification technology.  
  1. Generation of electricity utilizing by-products of the pulping process and wood manufacturing process, including bark, wood chips, sawdust and lignin in spent pulping liquors.   
  1. Tier I reliable energy portfolio sources located within PA. 

PRESS will unlock a wave of new investment in advanced energy technologies across Pennsylvania.  PRESS will make Pennsylvania competitive by incentivizing new development here in the Commonwealth.  The positive impact is massive, adding over $5.1 billion in direct investment in by 2035.  

Along with companion legislation in the Governor’s energy plan, PRESS will help protect and create nearly 15,000 energy jobs, lower utility bills for Pennsylvania households, and take real action to address carbon pollution. If passed by the General Assembly, these initiatives will save Pennsylvania ratepayers $252 million in the first five years, while generating $5.1 billion in investment in clean, reliable energy sources.

“I look forward to working with Gov. Shapiro and my colleagues in the Senate to enact legislation that saves consumers money on their energy, creates family sustaining jobs and tackles climate change,” Sen. Santarsiero added.


Senator Santarsiero and Representative Warren Announce $45,000 to Improve Access to Five Mile Woods 

BUCKS COUNTY − January 16, 2024 − Senator Steve Santarsiero (D-10) and Representative Perry Warren (D-31) today announced that Lower Makefield Township will receive $45,000 in Act 13 Greenway, Trails and Recreation Program funds to improve access to Five Mile Woods.

“Five Mile Woods was a favorite hiking spot for my children growing up and continues to be a place we frequently visit, so I recognized firsthand the value of supporting state funds to improve access to this vital nature preserve in Lower Makefield Township,” said Senator Santarsiero. “I look forward to more residents enjoying the 285-acres of dense forest and trails offered in this wonderful community resource.

“Historic places and recreational opportunities abound in our communities,” said Representative Warren. “Five Mile Woods Preserve is both geologically unique and an example of the evolution of the use of land by early settlers to later generations in Bucks County. This grant will help Lower Makefield improve access to this natural treasure.”

Grant funds can be awarded for projects which involve development, rehabilitation and improvements to public parks, recreation areas, greenways, trails, and river conservation.

Additional information about the Greenways, Trails and Recreation Program can be found on the DCED website.



Senator Santarsiero and Representative Davis Announce $250,000 for Trail Improvement Project

BUCKS COUNTYJanuary 16, 2024 − Senator Steve Santarsiero (D-10) and Representative Tina Davis (D-141) today announced that Bristol Borough will receive $250,000 in Act 13 Greenway, Trails and Recreation Program funds for Maple Beach Road trailhead improvement. 

The funds will be used to design and construct a multi-use trail along Maple Beach Road and a parking area.  The trail will connect the newly constructed Maple Beach Road bridge to the D&L Canal Trail terminus and Bristol Waterfront Park Trails.

“This project will connect several recreational and natural resources in Bristol Borough, further expanding the trail network and allowing residents to get the most out of the area’s outdoor recreational opportunities,” said Senator Santarsiero.

“Preserving our outdoor recreation area for future generations is important to the quality of life in the Bristol community,” said Representative Davis.  “I look forward to the completion of the Maple Beach Road Trailhead Improvements project.”

Greenways, Trails and Recreation Program funds can be awarded for projects involving development, rehabilitation and improvements to public parks, recreation areas, greenways, trails, and river conservation.  Additional information can be found on the DCED website.


Senator Santarsiero and Representative Davis Announce $460,000 for Bristol Borough Flood Mitigation Project

BUCKS COUNTY − January 16, 2024 − Senator Steve Santarsiero (D-10) and Representative Tina Davis (D-141) today announced that Bristol Borough will receive $460,000 in state funds through the Pennsylvania Department of Community and Economic Development (DCED) for a project to design and construct streambank stabilization measures along Adams Hollow Creek between North Cedar Street and Radcliffe Street.

“Restoring the streambank is critical to preserving the natural landscape and protecting the residential dwellings in the surrounding area,” said Senator Santarsiero.  “These funds will enable Bristol Borough to mitigate future damage from flooding, keeping the borough a desirable place for economic growth and development.”

Representative Davis noted, “Preventing flooding through the Adams Hollow Creek project is important for the economic status of Bristol Borough as many businesses are within close proximity to the creek.  This grant is important toward moving this project forward.”

Project funds include DCED’s Flood Mitigation Program. Flood Mitigation Program funds can be used for projects authorized by a flood protection authority, the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP), the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) or the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) or identified by a local government for flood mitigation.  Additional information can be found on the DCED website.


Senator Santarsiero, State Reps Announce $307,414 in Arts & Culture Grants

BUCKS COUNTY — December 19, 2023 — Senator Steve Santarsiero (D-10), along with State Representatives Tim Brennan (D-29), Perry Warren (D-31) and Tina Davis (D-141) today announced $307,414 in PA Arts and Culture Recovery Program funds benefitting seven organizations, museums and performance centers in the 10th Senate District.

The awards are as follows:

  • Artists of Yardley will receive $13,700;
  • Bristol Riverside Theater will receive $71,653;
  • Bucks County Center for the Performing Arts will receive $16,718;
  • Bucks County Childrens Museum will receive $17,522;
  • County Theater will receive $33,062;
  • Historic Fallsington, Inc. will receive $10,000; and
  • James A. Michener Art Museum will receive $80,310.

“Bucks County has a robust and thriving arts community that is enjoyed by residents and visitors alike and contributes to our local economy,” said Senator Santarsiero.  “It is no surprise that the impacts of COVID-19 have affected these organizations, and I was happy to support these funds to help with their recovery.”

“The Arts are thriving in and around our communities,” said Rep. Warren. “Artists of Yardley features the work of local artists, and our residents are participants in and patrons of the fine and performing arts and museums in the nearby Bucks County communities.”

Of the funding for Bristol Riverside Theater in her district, Rep. Davis said, “The arts play an important role in our cultural identity, and the Bristol Riverside Theatre has been a local beacon for the Bristol area’s arts scene. I was pleased to see it get this funding.”

Rep. Brennan similarly voiced support for the Bucks County Center for the Performing Arts, Bucks County Childrens Museum, County Theater and Michener Museum, all located in his district.  “If you follow me on social media or see me out and about in the district, you know I’m a proud supporter of all four of these institutions – each one enriches our community in its own unique way,” said Brennan. “As Bucks County residents, we’re fortunate to live in such a dynamic region with so much to offer, to both residents and visitors alike.”

The COVID-19 ARPA PA Arts and Culture Recovery Program (PACR) was created to provide grants to nonprofit arts and culture organizations, local arts and culture districts and arts and culture professionals located in the Commonwealth to ensure the stability and recovery of the Commonwealth’s arts and culture sector from the COVID-19 pandemic.

Additional information about the COVID-19 ARPA PA Arts and Culture Recovery Program can be found on the DCED website.


Senator Santarsiero, Representative Brennan Announce $1.88 Million for Water Improvement Projects 

BUCKS COUNTY — December 19, 2023 — Senator Steve Santarsiero (D-10) and Representative Tim Brennan (D-29) announced today $1,885,036 in state grant awards through the H2O PA program for water improvement projects in Doylestown Township and Chalfont Borough.

“These projects will help make critical improvements to our municipal water and sewer systems, strengthening our infrastructure, protecting our environment and maintaining quality drinking water for our community,” said Sen. Santarsiero.

Doylestown Township Municipal Authority will receive $1,431,154 for the Northern Regional Water System Transmission Mains improvement project.  The project will upgrade existing infrastructure to provide water more efficiently to residents in Doylestown Township, Plumstead Township and New Britain Borough.  The project will also provide the opportunity for property owners with contaminated wells to connect to public water.

“Infrastructure investments are a critical component of protecting our environment and maintaining quality drinking water for our communities,” said Senator Santarsiero.  “This water system improvement project will increase efficiency and reliability for residents across three municipalities.”

“We’re still putting ARPA funding to good use, which puts people to work and is solving issues in our backyard here at home,” said Rep. Brennan. “We need to continue to focus on building and preserving the essential infrastructure these grants support. State support for these projects also frees up local and county resources, which ultimately helps provide relief to local taxpayers across Central Bucks County.”

Chalfont Borough will receive $453,882 to replace stormwater pipes in the Woodview area of the borough, including the milling and repaving of the impacted roadways.

“As we see stronger and more frequent storms, it is more important than ever that we invest in stormwater management systems to adequately handle the needs of our communities,” said Senator Santarsiero.  The stormwater pipe replacement project will go a long way to protecting properties and the health and safety of the citizens of Chalfont Borough.”

H2O PA provides grants for the construction of drinking water, sanitary sewer and storm sewer projects, the construction or renovation of flood control projects, and the repair or rehabilitation of high-hazard unsafe dams.

Additional information about H2O PA Program funding can be found on the DCED website.


Senator Santarsiero, State Reps Announce Nearly $3.5 Million in Small Water & Sewer Grants

BUCKS COUNTY — December 19, 2023 — Senator Steve Santarsiero (D-10), along with State Representatives Tim Brennan (D-29), Perry Warren (D-31), Tina Davis (D-141), and Shelby Labs (R-143) today announced $3,458,844 in state grants were awarded for 12 small water and sewer improvement projects across the 10th Senate District.

“These projects will help make critical improvements to our municipal water and sewer systems, strengthening our infrastructure, protecting our environment and maintaining quality drinking water for our community,” said Sen. Santarsiero.

The awards in House District 29 are as follows:

  • Chalfont Borough will receive $423,804 to replace stormwater piping in the borough;
  • Doylestown Township Municipal Authority will receive $268,405 for the Forest Park Regional Water System Interconnection;
  • North Wales Water Authority will receive $337,954 for the Yorkshire Meadows Project to replace and upgrade a 2,000-gallon Hydro-Pneumatic storage tank and arsenic removal system in Solebury Township;
  • North Whales Water Authority will also receive $313,559 for the Ingham News Project to replace and upgrade a potable water Hydro-Pneumatic storage tank and the addition of an arsenic removal system in Solebury Township; and
  • Doylestown Borough will receive $424,864 for the rehabilitation of the Maplewood Tank located in the borough.

“I was pleased to work with Rep. Brennan to secure these funds for Chalfont Borough, Doylestown Borough, Doylestown Township and Solebury Township,” said Sen. Santarsiero.  “Each project will make critical improvements to our water and sewer infrastructure.”

“We’re still putting ARPA funding to good use, which puts people to work and is solving issues in our backyard here at home,” said Rep. Brennan. “We need to continue to focus on building and preserving the essential infrastructure these grants support. State support for these projects also frees up local and county resources, which ultimately helps provide relief to local taxpayers across Central Bucks County.”

The awards in House District 31 are as follows:

  • Township of Falls Authority will receive $343,388 for an inflow and infiltration elimination project in Lower Makefield Township; and
  • Lower Makefield Township will receive $147,462 for stormwater improvements.

“I have been working with Lower Makefield Township to address ongoing stormwater management concerns in the Maplevale neighborhood area and I was happy to advocate for these funds to help implement projects to make necessary improvements,” said Sen. Santarsiero.

Rep. Warren added, “These grants of state funds will improve storm water management and filtration in Lower Makefield. Between these grants and Governor Shapiro signing into law the Flood Insurance Premium Assistance Task Force bill, the Governor, Senator Santarsiero, the Lower Makefield Board of Supervisors and I are working to reduce the impact of flooding upon our communities. The storm water management grant will directly benefit the areas most likely to flood during heavy rains and due to the flow of storm water.” 

The awards in House District 140 are as follows:

  • Township of Falls Authority will receive $71,400 for improvements to the Vermillion and Twin Oaks Interconnection in Falls Township;
  • Township of Falls Authority will also receive $412,905 for the water main lining along Brentwood Road and Chestertown Road in Falls Township;
  • Bucks County will receive $110,721 to improve drainage conditions at the Morrisville Senior Center; and
  • Tullytown Borough will receive $93,184 to repair storm inlets and grates throughout the borough.

“Each of these projects will increase the effectiveness of important water supply and stormwater management infrastructure, helping to keep our communities safe and healthy,” Sen. Santarsiero added.

The award in House District 141 is as follows:

  • Bristol Borough will receive $90,000 for the Howell Street vegetated swale to help reduce sediment discharge to the Mill Creek Watershed.

“A key component of protecting our environment is working to reduce the amount of sediment that is discharged into our waterways,” noted Sen. Santarsiero.  “The project in Bristol Borough will keep the Mill Creek Watershed healthy.”

Rep. Davis said, “I whole-heartedly supported funding for this project. It is crucial that we work to reduce sediment pollution in the Mill Creek Watershed and, in doing so, protect our streams and aquatic life. I am pleased that the state agreed that this was a project worth investing in.”

The awards in House District 143 are as follows:

  • Plumstead Township will receive $418,198 for a water interconnection between two distribution systems in the township.

“Quality drinking water and reliable sewer services are critical services for our residents,” said Sen. Santarsiero. “I was proud to support these state funds for this project to help lessen the burden on Plumstead Township and local tax payers.”

“I am thrilled to see Plumstead Township receive this grant,” said Rep. Labs. “This necessary investment into our infrastructure will secure a brand-new water interconnection between two existing systems. The new interconnection will improve water reliability in Plumstead Township, and make our system less reactive to drought, system failure, and other potential issues.”

Grants for small water, sewer, and storm water infrastructure projects include activities to assist with the construction, improvement, expansion, or rehabilitation or repair of a water supply system, sanitary sewer system, and storm water system projects.  Act 54 of 2022 appropriated $105.6 million of American Rescue Plan Act funds to the PA Small Water and Sewer Program. 

Additional information about PA Small Water and Sewer Program funding can be found on the DCED website.


Senator Santarsiero Announces $45,617 for Thompson Memorial Presbyterian Church Security Improvements

BUCKS COUNTYDecember 18, 2023 − Senator Steve Santarsiero (D-10) announced today $45,617 for security improvements at Thompson Memorial Presbyterian Church in Solebury Township.  The funds come from the Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency (PCCD) Non-Profit Security Grant Program.

“Freedom of religion means no one should fear for his or her safety while observing their faith,” said Senator Santarsiero.  “Unfortunately, that is not always the case, which is why these funds are so important to our community and to the congregants of Thompson Memorial Presbyterian Church.”

The funds will be used to install security cameras and upgrade building doors with lock improvements and key fob entry.

Pastor Stephanie Templin Ashford shared her gratitude for the state funds saying, “We are so grateful for the resources provided by our State to help protect this precious place of worship and to allow it to be a safe space for all of God’s people.  Thank you!”

The Thompson Memorial Presbyterian Church dates back to 1811 when it was founded as the Solebury Presbyterian Church. 

The Non-Profit Security Grant Program administers funds to nonprofit organizations who principally serve individuals, groups or institutions that are included within a bias motivation category for single bias hate crime incidents.  For more information, visit the PCCD website.  


Kayden’s Law Unanimously Passes Pennsylvania Senate

HARRISBURG – December 14, 2023 – The Senate of Pennsylvania last night unanimously passed critical legislation to save children’s lives.  Senate Bill 55, also known as Kayden’s Law, is legislation that provides urgently needed reform to Pennsylvania’s child custody statute. The bi-partisan legislation is sponsored by Senators Steve Santarsiero (D-10) and Lisa Baker (R-20), and is named for Kayden Mancuso, a seven-year-old from Lower Makefield Township, who was killed in August 2018 by her biological father during a court-ordered, unsupervised visit granted following a year-long custody dispute.

 “Kayden’s Law will ensure the safety of the child is paramount in custody cases and will save children’s lives,” said Senator Santarsiero.  “No child in Pennsylvania should fear for their safety or be left alone with an abuser.  Kayden’s Law will help ensure that never happens again by requiring supervised visitation at a minimum when there is a potential risk to the child’s safety.”

“One of the most difficult and wrenching decisions local courts must make is in awarding child custody in divorce cases,” said Senator Baker.  “Judges must sort through a variety of allegations and conflicting contentions in order to determine what arrangement is in the best interests of the child. With the passage of Kayden’s Law, we are updating the criteria courts must consider before custody of a child is awarded, including adding seven crimes to the list of offenses that must be taken into account when rendering judgement.”

Senate Bill 55 will:

  • Strengthen the current factors that judges must consider in making custody and visitation decisions, to make it clear that the most important issue is the protection of the child;
  • Ensure that if there is a finding by the court of an ongoing risk of abuse, that any custody order includes safety conditions and restrictions necessary, including supervised visitation, to protect the child; and
  • Encourage the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania to implement an annual educational and training program for judges and relevant court personnel on child abuse, adverse childhood experiences, domestic violence, and its impact on children.

Sen. Santarsiero continued, “Kayden’s Law has been a years-long collaborative effort, led by the tireless advocacy of Kayden’s mom Kathy Sherlock, along with family law advocates and experts.  Kathy’s strength and dedication have continued to motivate me to push for this legislation and get it to Governor Shapiro’s desk to be signed into law. I want to thank my colleague, Sen. Lisa Baker, for her partnership in writing the bill and helping it get through the Senate. I also want to thank my House colleagues Tina Davis and Perry Warren for their work on this issue.”

“Every day children are at risk of being ordered to remain in abusive, unsafe and deadly situations,” Kathy Sherlock said. “I vowed to do whatever it took to protect children and have found support from so many on this journey and with today’s overwhelming vote for Kayden’s Law we are one step closer to fulfilling our mission of ‘not one more’.”

Senate Bill 55 now moves to the Pennsylvania House of Representatives for consideration.

State Senator Steve Santarsiero Calls for the Resignation of the President of the University of Pennsylvania, Elizabeth Magill, and vows not to vote for any state appropriation for the university until she does so

BUCKS COUNTY − December 6, 2023 − Today, State Senator Steve Santarsiero (D 10, Bucks) called on Elizabeth Magill to resign as the president of the University of Pennsylvania in the wake of her congressional testimony on December 5, 2023, in which she failed to express, without qualification, that should Penn students call for the genocide of Jews they would violate the university’s code of conduct. 

“In her congressional hearing yesterday, President Magill was given several chances to clearly state what should be obvious:  that should any student call for the genocide of the Jewish People they would not only violate university policy but would be condemned in the strongest possible terms and face expulsion,” Santarsiero explained.  “She refused to do so, choosing instead to give what appeared to be a coached response that utterly failed to express the moral clarity that the question demanded.  For that reason, I call upon her to resign from her post immediately.  To be clear, I will not vote for any state funding for the university until she does so.”

“In the early 1950s, when my late father-in-law was a freshman at Penn, the university required all students to pass a swimming test,” Santarsiero added.  “If they failed to do so, they were made to take swimming lessons for a semester.  That year, the swim test was administered on Yom Kippur, the holiest day in Judaism.  When my father-in-law asked to be allowed to take the test another day, the university declined the request.  As a result, he refused to take the test and, despite being a lifeguard, was forced to take swimming lessons for the rest of the semester.”

“It amazes me that 70 years since antisemitism was sanctioned policy at Penn that the university has a president, who, rather than express outrage at the very thought of one or more students calling for the murder of the Jewish People, sought to parse her answer, claiming that the ‘context’ of the statement mattered.  For that, Ms. Magill must go.  We have come too far for someone who would respond in such a manner to be the leader of one of our country’s great research universities,” Santarsiero added. 


Legislation Combating the Rising Cost of Flood Insurance Signed into Law

BUCKS COUNTYDecember 4, 2023 − Senator Steve Santarsiero (D-10) and Representative Perry Warren (D-31) joined Governor Josh Shapiro today in Yardley Borough for the bill signing of House Bill 735, establishing a task force to address rising flood insurance premiums.

“After a devastating storm this summer dropped a month’s worth of rain in a span of just two hours and flash flooding swept cars off of roads, and flooded homes, schools, and businesses in Bucks County, my Administration was on the ground immediately, providing assistance to rescue and recovery efforts, set up detours, and keep people safe,” said Governor Josh Shapiro. “Chaired by Insurance Commissioner Mike Humphreys, the task force established by HB 735 will bring together leaders from my Administration and the Legislature to closely review the needs of our communities who are at an increased risk of flooding. They’ll identify the kinds of programs that would make sure flood insurance is accessible and affordable for the Pennsylvanians who need it – and recommend the best courses of action our Commonwealth can take to help increase the number of Pennsylvanians protected by flood insurance.”

“Eight years ago, I introduced what was then HB 1299 which was the precursor for HB 735, to help Pennsylvanians living in flood zones with flood insurance premiums,” said Senator Santarsiero.  “Then, as now, residents in neighborhoods along the Delaware River were facing skyrocketing flood insurance costs that threatened their ability to protect their homes and made it almost impossible for them to sell.  I want to thank my friend and successor in the House Rep. Warren for continuing the work on this issue with me.  This is an important step toward helping Pennsylvanians across the Commonwealth find relief from rising flood insurance premiums.”

The bill signing took place at the Yardley Inn, a restaurant in Yardley Borough that has been flooded several times.  The building is set to begin renovations in early 2025 to move the restaurant further back from the Delaware River and elevate the foundation to prevent future flooding.

“Thank you to Governor Shapiro for coming to Yardley to sign House Bill 735 into law as Act 22 of 2023,” Representative Warren said. “I reintroduced this bill when I was first elected in 2017, it passed in the House in the 2019-2020 Session, and it was the first bill passed by the House Insurance Committee in 2021-2022, but it did not get across the finish line. This year, through the collective efforts of Senator Santarsiero, the House Insurance Committee, the Senate Banking and Insurance Committee and me, and in the wake of the devastating flooding in Upper Makefield and Lower Makefield in July, the bill passed in the House and Senate and has become law with Governor Shapiro’s signature.”

Reforms to the National Flood Insurance Program that Congress passed in 2012, called the Biggert-Waters Act, phased out the federal subsidy for flood insurance costs and directed the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to revise its flood plain maps.  Those new maps included many more homes in the flood zones and requiring flood insurance.

In late 2014 and early 2015 Senator Santarsiero held townhalls and neighborhood meetings, as well as discussions with local stakeholders and elected officials.  From those meetings it became clear the best option at the state level was a task force to review the problem and identify state solutions.

HB 735 establishes the Flood Insurance Premium Assistance Task Force to explore ways to lower flood insurance premiums and incentivize communities to invest in flood prevention measures.  The task force would consist of one appointee each from the Director of the Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency, Insurance Commissioner, Secretary of Banking and Securities, Senate Majority Leader, Senate Minority Leader, House Majority Leader, and House Minority Leader.

Senator Santarsiero introduced Senate Bill 442, the Senate companion bill, which passed out of the Senate Banking & Insurance Committee earlier this year.

The task force would have the power to review and analyze existing law, procedures, practices, processes, and rules related to the administration of flood insurance.  In addition, the task force would hold public hearings and accept written comments from the public. 

“The establishment of a flood insurance task force is a proactive step towards ensuring homeowners and businesses in Bucks County can more easily recover from future flash floods,” said Bucks County Commissioner Chair Bob Harvie. “My fellow Commissioners and I are committed to working closely with Governor Shapiro, state and local officials, insurance providers, and our dedicated emergency services personnel towards improving our response to these devastating floods.”

The task force would have six months to issue a final report to include recommendations on:

  • potential programs to provide flood insurance premium discounts;
  • potential programs, whether through the mechanism of premium discounts or other relief, that create incentives for local governments to undertake or continue mitigation efforts;
  • the implementation of necessary changes in state statutes and practices, policies and procedures relating to the administration of flood insurance;
  • ways to educate the public about flooding risks and mitigation techniques;
  • how to inform Pennsylvanians about flood insurance options when purchasing;
  • recommendations to increase the number of flood insurance policies purchased by Pennsylvanians.

Representative Warren added, “As Vice-Chair of the House Insurance Committee, this new law combines the committee’s efforts to contain insurance costs while expanding insurance coverage, with our efforts to reduce and contain the cost of flooding. Senator Santarsiero and I worked with our local communities to forward this legislation, and Governor Shapiro coming to Yardley to sign the bill evinces the positive impact Act 23 will have for our communities. I look forward to the recommendations of the task force.”

Senator Santarsiero continued, “Communities along Pennsylvania’s rivers, creeks and streams have been devastated by plummeting property values due to unaffordable flood insurance premiums.  While it was meetings with local constituents that initiated this legislation, the benefits of this legislation will help countless citizens across the Commonwealth.”

Kayden’s Law Unanimously Voted Out of Senate Judiciary Committee

HARRISBURG − October 17, 2023 − Senate Bill 55, known as Kayden’s Law, was unanimously voted out of the Senate Judiciary Committee today.  The bi-partisan legislation is sponsored by Senators Steve Santarsiero (D-10) and Lisa Baker (R-20), and is named for Kayden Mancuso, a seven-year-old from Lower Makefield Township, who was killed in August 2018 by her biological father during a court-ordered, unsupervised visit granted following a year-long custody dispute.

“No child in Pennsylvania should fear for their safety or be left alone with an abuser,” said Senator Santarsiero.  “Kayden’s Law will ensure the safety of the child is paramount in custody cases and will absolutely save children’s lives.”

During the committee meeting Senator Baker noted that Kayden would have turned 13 years old on Sunday, October 15th.

Senate Bill 55 will:

  • Strengthen the current factors that judges must consider in making custody and visitation decisions, to make it clear that the most important issue is the protection of the child;
  • Ensure that if there is a finding by the court of an ongoing risk of abuse, that any custody order includes safety conditions and restrictions necessary, including supervised visitation, to protect the child; and
  • Encourage the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania to implement an annual educational and training program for judges and relevant court personnel on child abuse, adverse childhood experiences, domestic violence, and its impact on children.

Sen. Santarsiero continued, “Kayden’s Law has been a collaborative effort, led by the tireless advocacy of Kayden’s mom Kathy Sherlock, along with family law experts.  I am proud to have the opportunity to sponsor this legislation and will continue to advocate for the bill to be brought before the full Senate.”

Kayden’s Law passed the Senate in 2021, during the previous Senate session, but was not brought up for a vote in the House.  With the start of the new session in January 2023, all bills that were not passed in the previous session must be re-introduced and begin the legislative process anew.

Senate Bill 55 may now be brought up for a full vote of the Senate.


Pennsylvania Senate Unanimously Passes Resolution Condemning Hamas Attack, Supporting Israel

HARRISBURG − October 17, 2023 − The Pennsylvania Senate today passed a resolution on unanimous consent sponsored by Senators Steve Santarsiero (D-10) and Judy Schwank (D-11) condemning the unprovoked terrorist attack launched by Hamas against the State of Israel on October 7, 2023, and expressing deep condolences to the families of those who have lost their lives as a result of this senseless act of violence.

“We cannot be silent,” said Senator Santarsiero.  “We must call out the barbarous terrorist attack by Hamas. The loss of life of more than 1,000 Israelis, the kidnapping of 200 innocent civilians, and the wounding of thousands more must be condemned.  I thank my colleagues in the Senate for joining Senator Schwank and me in this strong renunciation of the terrorist organization Hamas and in showing support for the Israeli people.”

“The October 7 attack on Israel was shocking in scale and savagery,” said Senator Schwank. “This was the worst incidence of violence inflicted on the Jewish people since the Holocaust. Jews all over the world and certainly the Israeli people are still reeling. It’s important that Pennsylvania stand with Israel and the people impacted by this horrific attack and express support for all those affected. Most importantly, we all must join together and advocate for a lasting and meaningful peace for all.”

The resolution reads, in part:

RESOLVED, That the Senate condemn the unprovoked terrorist attack launched by Hamas against the State of Israel on October 7, 2023, the Jewish Sabbath, also known as Shabbat; and be it further

RESOLVED, That the Senate express deep condolences to the families of those who have lost their lives as a result of this senseless act of violence; and be it further

RESOLVED, That the Senate pledge its solidarity with the Israeli people during this challenging time and its unwavering support for the State of Israel’s right to defend itself against this barbaric war and to ensure the safety and security of its citizens; and be it further

RESOLVED, That the Senate call upon the Congress of the United States and the international community to condemn unequivocally acts of terrorism and violence deliberately targeting civilians and to support efforts aimed at achieving a lasting and peaceful resolution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

The full text of the resolution can be found here.

The resolution passed 49-0.


State Senate Democratic Caucus Members Announce Build Better PA

PHILADELPHIA – October 10, 2023 – State Senators Steve Santarsiero (D-10), Tina Tartaglione (D-2), Jimmy Dillon (D-5) and John Kane (D-9), and representatives from the building trades announced Build Better PA, a package of bills to promote fairness, quality, and skilled craftsmanship within the tax incentive programs designed to stimulate economic growth.

“Union labor means quality work done right the first time,” said Senator Steve Santarsiero (D-10).  “As businesses enjoy the benefits of tax incentive development zones, it is in the best interest of taxpayers and workers to make sound investments in how the work is done. While these programs have been instrumental in driving economic development, they also provide a unique opportunity to raise the bar in terms of labor standards and workforce quality.  Building trades and apprenticeships invest in workers, ensuring fair, family-sustaining wages and high-quality final products.”  

Build Better PA introduces two essential benchmarks for businesses making capital investments exceeding $25,000 in construction, reconstruction, demolition, alteration, or repair of facilities within designated tax zones:

  1. Prevailing Wage Requirement: This provision ensures that businesses within the tax program pay their workers fair wages in line with regional standards. It aims to prevent the exploitation of labor and maintain equitable compensation for workers contributing to these projects.
  2. Skilled Craft Labor Mandate: To further enhance the quality of workmanship, the bill mandates that at least 70% of the workforce on prevailing wage-eligible projects are “skilled craft laborers.” This criterion ensures that projects funded through tax incentives maintain high standards of craftsmanship and expertise, promoting both worker skill development and the overall quality of construction.

“For decades our Commonwealth has supported business development and created special tax incentives to drive growth,” said Senator Tina Tartaglione (D-2). “These bills will make sure while we keep driving Pennsylvania forward, we don’t leave the working class behind. Unions, skilled trades and apprentice programs are the key to continuing to grow the middle class, which is imperative for our continued success.”

“I have witnessed the challenges that workers in the construction industry face, both as a plumber and as the Business Manager for the largest Plumbers Union in Pennsylvania. This legislation will benefit our labor force by giving them a stronger voice, ensuring fair wages for their hard work, and emphasizing apprenticeships that will properly train our next generation of skilled laborers,” said Senator John Kane (D-9). “As Minority Chair of the Labor and Industry Committee, I am committed to doing everything I can to create a more equitable future and improve Pennsylvania’s position in the construction industry, and this legislation does exactly that.”

The “zone” programs the legislation would apply to are: City Revitalization and Improvement Zones, Neighborhood Improvement Zones, Keystone Opportunity Zones, Keystone Opportunity Expansion Zones, Keystone Opportunity Improvement Zones, Keystone Special Development Zone Program, Keystone Innovation Zones and Airport Land Development Zones.

“These tax incentive programs have fueled economic development across the Commonwealth, but we owe it to ourselves to make sure they also uplift our workers,” said Senator Jimmy Dillon (D-5). “I’m honored to partner with Senators Santarsiero, Tartaglione, and Kane to make sure that businesses investing in our communities benefit both themselves and the hardworking men and women who make it all possible.”

“Thank you, Senators Santarsiero, Tartaglione, Kane and Dillon for recognizing the value of union labor to ensure quality construction projects, and fair wages with good benefits for workers,” said Fran McLaughlin, Business Manager for District Council 21.   “Apprenticeship programs offer a path for individuals looking not just for a job, but a career that offers family-sustaining wages.  Quality work and fair wages will enable us to build a better Pennsylvania and protect investments for taxpayers.”

Senator Nikil Saval (D-1), a co-sponsor of the legislation, voiced his support saying, “Any form of state investment, whether direct or through tax incentives, that drives our Commonwealth’s economic growth should primarily center the creation of jobs with family sustaining wages. This legislation will ensure that Pennsylvania carefully balances our responsibility to attract capital investments and do so in a manner that lifts working class families.”

Any business found in violation of the law would have to refund the full amount of the tax exemption, deduction, abatement or credit awarded for the year that they violated the provisions, as determined by the Pennsylvania Department of Labor and Industry.


Senator Santarsiero Announces $250,000 in Funds for Community Conservation Partnerships in Bucks County

BUCKS COUNTY − October 5, 2023 − Today, Senator Steve Santarsiero (D-10) announced $250,000 in state funding for two municipal park improvement projects through the Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources (DCNR) Community Conservation Partnerships Program.

Doylestown Township will be awarded $200,000 for further development of Central Park. These funds will go toward the construction of pedestrian walkways, basketball and pickleball courts, ADA accessibility, landscaping, and other improvements.

Another $50,000 in funds will be awarded to Solebury Township for the preparation of a comprehensive park, recreation, open space, trail, and greenway plan.

“Abundant parks and open space are one of the things that make the 10th District so special,” said Senator Santarsiero.  “Continued investments in outdoor recreation are vital to the continued health and wellbeing of our environment and our communities.”

The Community Conservation Partnerships Program is designed to assist local governments and recreation and conservation organizations with funding relating to parks, recreation, and conservation. The grant program is run by the Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources’ Bureau of Recreation and Conservation.

For more information on the DCNR’s Community Conservation Partnerships Program Grants, visit their website.
