September 10, 2024
BUCKS COUNTY – September 10, 2024 – State Senator Steve Santarsiero (D-10) hosted state Department of Transportation officials on a road tour around the 10th Senate District, announcing planned roadway repair projects, highlighting needed improvements, and applauding work that has recently been completed.
The road tour covered an expansive portion of the district, with five stops and dozens of roads featured along the route. In conjunction with the road tour, Senator Santarsiero has shared an inventory of roads in the 10th Senate District with specific requests for repair. The list is compiled on a rolling basis, and regularly shared with PennDOT, and includes submissions from constituents and municipalities.
“Many of our roadways are showing their age and need repair and repaving to meet growing traffic demands in our region,” said Senator Santarsiero. “PennDOT is working with a limited budget and staff to maintain one of the largest shares of state highway in the country. PennDOT continues to work hard to keep our roads safe and operational despite these challenges, and I am committed to working with PennDOT to address the projects highlighted on this year’s tour.”
The road tour began by driving from the Senator’s district office in Newtown Township to Representative Jim Prokopiak’s office in Falls Township. Senator Santarsiero called attention to the condition of Stony Hill Road between the Newtown Bypass and Heacock Road in Lower Makefield Township and requested the roadway be repaved. Driving along North and South Oxford Valley Road, the Senator noted the continued deterioration of the concrete roadway and requested an update on the status of the roundabout construction project south of Lincoln Highway at Bristol Oxford Valley Road and North Oxford Valley Road in Falls Township, a featured stop on the Senator’s 2022 road tour.
Stopping at the intersection of New Falls Road and Hood Boulevard in Falls Township, the Senator was joined by state Representative Jim Prokopiak (D-140) to highlight the busy intersection, scheduled to be resurfaced on PennDOT’s 2025 calendar.
“PennDOT has been implementing new resurfacing tactics to extend the life of our roadways between full-scale repaving projects, making the most of out of a limited budget and relentless need,” said Senator Santarsiero. “Intersections like this one in Falls Township are so important both because of the commercial roadway along New Falls Road and the proximity to Pennsbury High School. The resurfacing of this roadway will keep our students, both walkers and those driving to school, safe while also improving the roadway along a busy economic corridor in the township.”
At the corner of S. Pennsylvania Avenue and E. Cleveland Avenue, Morrisville Borough Mayor Gary Wallace and Council Chair Helen Hlahol joined the tour for the announcement that trucks weighing more than 10 tons will soon be banned on S. Pennsylvania Avenue. The announcement comes on the heels of a decade of advocacy, traffic studies, traffic calming measures and public meetings. Borough residents applauded the change, which PennDOT officials announced would be implemented between late October and late November 2024 following the installation of signage.
“For residents who live along S. Pennsylvania Avenue or on the neighboring streets, the roadway is a vital part of their day-to-day lives,” said Senator Santarsiero. “When Morrisville Borough residents and officials first brought the issue of excessive truck traffic on S. Pennsylvania Avenue to my attention, it was clear it would take time to find the right solution to balance the interests of residents and area businesses. The prohibition of trucks on S. Pennsylvania Avenue will bring relief to residents and ensure the structural integrity of the roadbed remains intact.”
The tour continued north along River Road into Upper Makefield Township, highlighting the importance of the ongoing project to repave the length of River Road in the 10th District. Senator Santarsiero has successfully advocated for the expedited repaving of River Road, leading PennDOT to begin the work this summer, a year ahead of schedule.
“River Road is a key roadway to the economic success of New Hope and the surrounding area,” said Senator Santarsiero. “The beautiful tree cover that makes the drive so scenic means water pools on the roadway longer causing the road surface to deteriorate more quickly. It has been a priority of mine to work with PennDOT to get this road into better shape, making it a safer and more pleasant drive for residents and visitors. I’m thrilled this project is underway and appreciate PennDOT’s commitment to prioritizing this important road.”
Stopping at Francisco’s on the River in Upper Makefield Township, Township Supervisor Chair Yvette Taylor spoke of the ongoing issue with flooding along the roadway. PennDOT provided an update on a pipe replacement project that will help with flood mitigation, scheduled for 2025. PennDOT also noted that the repaving of River Road through Upper Makefield Township and the repaving of Route 532 in the municipality will be completed by spring 2025.
Continuing through Buckingham Township, the next stop was at the site of the future roundabout at the intersection of Route 263 and Route 202. Senator Santarsiero and Representative Tim Brennan were briefed by project engineers about the design of the project and the Buckingham Township Board of Supervisors and township engineer joined the tour to express their support for getting the work done as quickly as possible.
The final stop on the tour brought together local officials from Doylestown Township and Doylestown Borough to discuss the remaining repaving needs along State Street in the borough and township, and the ongoing need for a capital project to address the condition of Route 611 and Route 202. Following the stop, Senator Santarsiero guided PennDOT around the interchange ramps of the two highways, emphasizing the urgent need to invest in the high-traffic roads.
As the tour concluded, Senator Santarsiero thanked PennDOT for its hard work and re-emphasized his commitment to advocate for increased funding for the state agency.
“PennDOT works non-stop to see that our roadways are safe and functional for motorists and pedestrians with limited resources,” said Senator Santarsiero. “It is critical we invest in our infrastructure so that PennDOT has adequate resources to meet the ever-growing needs of our communities.
The 10th Senate District includes Bristol Borough, Bristol Township, Buckingham Township, Chalfont Borough, Doylestown Borough, Doylestown Township, Falls Township, Lower Makefield Township, Morrisville Borough, New Britain Borough, New Britain Township, New Hope Borough, Newtown Borough, Newtown Township, Plumstead Township, Solebury Township, Tullytown Borough, Upper Makefield Township and Yardley Borough.
July 31, 2024
BUCKS COUNTY − July 31, 2024 − Senator Steve Santarsiero (D-10), along with Representatives Tim Brennan (D-29) and Jim Prokopiak (D-140), announced today $1,027,735 in state funding through the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT) Green Light-Go program for improvements in the 10th Senate District.
The awards are as follows:
- Doylestown Borough – $340,995 for modernization of signal equipment at W. State Street/W. Court Street & Clinton Street
- Doylestown Township – $184,240 for modernization of signal equipment at Pebble Hill Road & Edison Furlong Road (Route 2049) as well as Limekiln Road & Ferry Road.
- Doylestown Township – $242,700 to update traffic signal equipment at various location throughout the Township.
- Falls Township – $259,800 for modernization of traffic signal equipment at Hood Blvd & Pennsbury High School
“Each of these projects will improve mobility while increasing pedestrian safety at high use intersections around the district,” said Senator Santarsiero. “Technological upgrades to our signal equipment ensure all pedestrians have the ability to move naturally and safely throughout our communities.”
“This is the latest in a string of good news for drivers, pedestrians, and bikers in our district. I know all of us are ready for safer, smoother commutes ahead,” Rep. Brennan said. “Sen. Santarsiero and I are always advocating for state funding for road and traffic projects in our communities. I’m glad to see Pennsylvania making smart investments into the infrastructure that impacts our daily lives.”
Of the funding for Falls Township, Rep. Prokopiak said, “The safety of our school students and is of paramount importance. I am pleased to see Falls Township and PennDOT invest in improving the traffic light in front of Pennsbury High School.”
Green Light-Go grants are provided as reimbursement to municipalities for updates to improve the efficiency and operation of existing traffic signals. Grant funding through the Green Light-Go program may be utilized for a range of operational improvements including, but not limited to light-emitting diode (LED) technology installation, traffic signal retiming, developing special event plans and monitoring traffic signals, as well as upgrading traffic signals to the latest technologies. For more information visit the PennDOT website.
September 21, 2023
BUCKS COUNTY − September 21, 2023 − State Senator Steve Santarsiero (D-10) hosted PennDOT officials on a road tour around the 10th Senate District, announcing planned roadway repair projects, highlighting needed improvements, and applauding work that has recently been completed.
The road tour covered an expansive portion of the district, with 7 stops and dozens of roads featured along the route. In conjunction with the road tour, Senator Santarsiero has shared an inventory of more than 60 roads in the 10th Senate District with specific requests for repair. The list is compiled on a rolling basis, and regularly shared with PennDOT, and includes submissions from constituents and municipalities.
“Many of our roadways are showing their age and need repair and repaving to meet growing traffic demands in our region,” said Senator Santarsiero. “I have strongly supported increasing funding for transportation infrastructure and recognize that PennDOT is working with a limited budget and staff. Despite these challenges, PennDOT continues to work hard to keep our roads safe and operational and I am committed to working with PennDOT to address the projects highlighted on this year’s tour.”
The road tour began by driving through the intersection of Route 413 and Route 13 in Bristol Township, highlighting potholes and uneven road surface at the busy intersection. Senator Santarsiero noted that while work has been done along both Route 413 and Route 13 leading up to the intersection, the intersection itself needs to be prioritized for repairs.
Stopping on Green Lane, along the border of Bristol Borough and Bristol Township, Senator Santarsiero was joined by representatives from both Bristol Borough and Township and Rep. Tina Davis’ (D-141) office to discuss drainage issues. PennDOT officials shared they will replace deteriorating grates on Green Lane. Addressing the flooding under the Amtrak bridge, Bristol Borough and Township officials committed to identifying the source and path of the underground drainage pipes to better understand the necessary steps for flood mitigation.

Cars driving on Green Lane in Bristol Township.
The tour continued down Edgely Road and Tyburn road where Senator Santarsiero urged PennDOT to expedite the resurfacing of these roads. Then at a stop on Woolston Drive with Falls Township Director of Public Works Jason Lawson and staff from Rep. John Galloway’s (D-140) office, the Senator also requested a full resurfacing of the roadway there.
Stopping along Taylorsville Road in Lower Makefield Township, Senator Santarsiero was joined by Lower Makefield Township Supervisor Daniel Grenier, Township Manager David Kratzer, Public Works Director Derick Fuller, Community Development Director Jim Majewski and Rep. Perry Warren (D-31). Senator Santarsiero expressed his gratitude for the state’s recovery effort following the July 15th flash flood in Upper Makefield and Lower Makefield townships, which tragically took seven lives. “I want to thank Governor Shapiro and Secretary Carroll for their leadership and immediate action to repair the damage caused by the July 15th flash flood in Upper Makefield Township,” said Senator Santarsiero. “During a time of tragedy, their teams worked quickly and diligently to make the necessary repairs and implement improvements to help the community better weather future storms.”
During the July 15th flash flood, the Maplevale neighborhood in Lower Makefield Township took on considerable water causing damage to several homes. Senator Santarsiero and Rep. Warren have been working with Lower Makefield Township officials to develop a long-term plan for stormwater management to mitigate future flooding along Taylorsville Road and in Maplevale.

L to R: Rep. Warren, Lower Makefield Township Supervisor Dan Grenier, Senator Santarsiero and PennDOT District 6 Assistant District Executive for Operations Fran Hanney and PennDOT Manager of Legislative and Government Affairs Brenda Rios.
Continuing the road tour along State Street in Doylestown Borough, Senator Santarsiero made note of the need for resurfacing, which was reiterated during a stop along State Street near Doylestown Hospital. During the stop, which included Rep. Tim Brennan (D-29), Doylestown Borough Council President Jack O’Brien, Doylestown Township staff and Bucks County Planning Commission staff, the Senator also referenced the 2022 road tour and the ongoing need for a large-scale capital project to improve the Doylestown Bypass and Routes 202 and 611 in Doylestown Township.

Senator Santarsiero speaks to PennDOT and Doylestown Borough and Township officials.
At a stop in Chalfont Borough, Senator Santarsiero brought to PennDOT’s attention ongoing concerns about the bridge on Business Route 202 over the North Branch of the Neshaminy Creek. The roadway surface is in good condition, but Chalfont Borough officials, including Mayor Brian Wallace, Borough Council President John Engel and Borough Manage Shawn Curran, who joined the Senator at the stop, had reached out to the Senator’s office to request assistance in getting the structure of the bridge inspected and updated.

Bridge along Business Route 202 over North Branch of Neshaminy Creek in Chalfont Borough.
Continuing on to Plumstead Township, the next stop was the intersection of Route 202 and Route 413, where the need for road resurfacing and leveling was brought up. At this stop, Senator Santarsiero was joined by Rep. Shelby Labs (R-143), Plumstead Township Supervisors Jim McColb and Dan Hilferty and Public Works Director Alan Bleam.

Senator Santarsiero greets Plumstead Township Director of Public Works Alan Bleam.
The tour continued through Solebury Township, highlighting the need for road resurfacing along Sugan Road before continuing through Upper Makefield Township along Wrightstown Road. Senator Santarsiero also used the opportunity to once again ask PennDOT to prioritize resurfacing the entire length of River Road in Bucks County.
The road tour wrapped up with a stop along the Newtown Bypass where Senator Santarsiero, joined by Newtown Township Supervisor Dennis Fisher, thanked PennDOT for their work resurfacing portion of the high-traffic roadway. “I want to thank PennDOT District 6 for their tireless work to keep our roadways safe,” Sen. Santarsiero concluded.
July 15, 2022
BUCKS COUNTY − July 15, 2022 − Senator Steve Santarsiero (D-10) announced today the award of $1,248,462 in state funds for five projects in the district as part of the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT) Green Light-Go grant program.
Four municipalities were awarded grants to complete five projects:
- Doylestown Township – $469,492 for fiber interconnection of traffic signals at seven intersections along Swamp Road (Route 313);
- Doylestown Township – $100,000 for safety upgrades including flashing yellow arrow and advance dilemma-zone detection along Route 611 from Edison Furlong Road to Kelly Road;
- Dublin Borough – $129,360 for upgrades to traffic signals at three intersections along Main Street (Route 313);
- Falls Township – $244,290 for upgrades to the traffic signal at Trenton Road and North Olds Boulevard; and
- Lower Makefield Township – $305,320 for upgrades to the traffic signal at Pine Grove Road and Big Oak Road.
“These upgrades will help relieve congestion and improve the flow of traffic on some of our busiest roadways, benefitting residents and travelers,” said Sen. Santarsiero. “Traffic signal upgrades like these projects increase accessibility to our local businesses and ensure safety on our roadways.”
Green Light-Go grants are provided as reimbursement to municipalities for updates to improve the efficiency and operation of existing traffic signals. Grant funding through the Green Light-Go program may be utilized for a range of operational improvements including, but not limited to light-emitting diode (LED) technology installation, traffic signal retiming, developing special event plans and monitoring traffic signals, as well as upgrading traffic signals to the latest technologies. For more information visit the PennDOT website.
April 21, 2022
BUCKS COUNTY − April 21, 2022 − State Senator Steve Santarsiero (D-10) and state Representative Perry Warren (D-31) announced $873,000 in state funds for Newtown Township to improve pedestrian safety and access in the Newtown Business Commons. The funding comes from the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT) Multimodal Transportation Fund.
“State investments in our transportation keep our community connected and our economy thriving,” said Sen. Santarsiero. “This project will help the Newtown Business Commons close existing trail and sidewalk gaps and improve pedestrian access while better connecting the Business Commons to the community. My Newtown office is on the edge of the Commons, so I have seen firsthand how bustling the area is and the need for these improvements.”
“Like many of our residents I regularly walk and run in the Newtown Business Commons,” said Rep. Warren. “This project will improve pedestrian safety and expand connectivity in and between our communities. It will close existing trail and sidewalk gaps and will help residents and visitors experience all Newtown has to offer.”
The project includes construction of 0.5 mile of five-foot wide concrete sidewalks, stormwater management improvements, construction of ADA curb ramps, improved striping and signage, installation of benches, and landscaping. The Newtown Business Commons sits on 300 acres in Newtown Township, just off the Newtown Bypass, and is home to more than 200 companies, including aeronautical, biomed, biotech, engineering, medical and general office organizations. It also includes a hotel and conference center, the Newtown Post office, and restaurants.
“We are excited and thrilled to learn the township was awarded this multimodal grant from PennDOT,” said Dennis Fisher, Newtown Township Board of Supervisors Chairman. “It will not only help us provide interconnections and link neighborhoods together, but it will also provide us with sidewalks and other infrastructure improvements to revitalize our Business Commons.”
Multimodal transportation fund grants encourage economic development and ensure that a safe and reliable system of transportation is available to the residents of the commonwealth. For more information about the Multimodal Transportation Fund Grants, visit the PennDOT website.
December 27, 2021
BUCKS COUNTY – December 27, 2021 – State Senator Steve Santarsiero (D-10) and Representative John Galloway (D-140) announced today Falls Township will receive $756,881 from Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT) for traffic and safety improvements. The funds will be used for upgrades at 7 intersections in Falls Township, which include:
- Trenton Road and Andover Road,
- S. Olds Boulevard and Queen Anne Drive,
- N. Olds Boulevard and Trenton Road,
- Lincoln Circle and Lincoln Highway,
- W. Trenton Avenue and Woolston Drive,
- W. Trenton Avenue and Alden Avenue, and
- W. Trenton Avenue and Big Oak Road
“These traffic safety improvements will help keep drivers and pedestrians safe at busy intersections across Falls Township,” said Senator Steve Santarsiero. “These upgrades will improve pedestrian access to shopping, schools and community attractions, while providing emergency response vehicles safer access to respond to emergencies.”
The safety improvements will include the installation of pedestrian signals at each intersection to alert vehicles and allow pedestrians the needed time to safely cross the roadway, as well as the addition of new ADA curb ramps. The township will also install preemption devices on all traffic signals at the intersections, aiding the safe passage of emergency vehicles regardless of existing traffic.
“These funds will help Falls Township make important upgrades at seven local intersections, improving traffic signals for drivers and helping pedestrians get around safely,” said Rep. John Galloway. “Projects like these keep our community safe and improve access to businesses.”
Pennsylvania’s Automated Red Light Enforcement (ARLE) program aims to improve safety at signalized intersections by providing automated enforcement at locations where data shows red-light running has been an issue. For more information on the ARLE program, visit the PennDOT website.
July 7, 2021
BUCKS COUNTY— July 7, 2021 — Senator Steve Santarsiero (D-10) and Representative Perry Warren (D-31) announced today the award of $271,520 in state funds to Newtown Borough as part of the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT) Green Light-Go grant program.
Newtown Borough will use the funds for a complete upgrade to the traffic signal at Lincoln and Washington Streets. Along with the modernization of the traffic signal, the project will include new pedestrian accommodations.
“This upgrade will help relieve congestion and improve the flow of traffic in Newtown Borough, benefitting residents and visitors,” said Sen. Santarsiero. “With so many shops and restaurants along State Street in the Borough, increasing accessibility both for cars and pedestrians will continue to boost our local economy while keeping our community safe. I was happy to work on getting the state to award this much-needed grant.”
“During my 7 years on Newtown Borough Council, traffic safety and traffic congestion were ongoing topics of conversation and concern,” said Rep. Warren. “As state representative it was a pleasure working with Newtown Borough Council toward securing this Green Light Go grant. This traffic signal upgrade will enhance safety and reduce congestion on two heavily trafficked thoroughfares through Newtown. Newtown Borough residents, Newtown Township residents, visitors, businesses and passers-through all will benefit from this traffic signal and safety project.”
Green Light-Go grants are provided as reimbursement to municipalities for updates to improve the efficiency and operation of existing traffic signals. Grant funding through the Green Light-Go program may be utilized for a range of operational improvements including, but not limited to light-emitting diode (LED) technology installation, traffic signal retiming, developing special event plans and monitoring traffic signals, as well as upgrading traffic signals to the latest technologies. For more information visit the PennDOT website.
December 27, 2019
BUCKS COUNTY – December 27, 2019 – State Senator Steve Santarsiero (D-10) announced the reopening of the bridge carrying Limekiln Road over Cooks Run in Doylestown, following the completion of a bridge rehabilitation project. The announcement comes several weeks ahead of the previously expected project completion date.
Sen. Santarsiero had previously urged PennDOT to prioritize repairs to the Limekiln Road Bridge, and included it as a stop during his PennDOT road tour in September. The project was scheduled following Sen. Santarsiero’s advocacy, along with state Representative Wendy Ullman (D-143), on behalf of Doylestown Fire Company, highlighting the importance of this bridge to avoid unnecessary delays in emergency response times.
“I am pleased to see that the Limekiln Road Bridge has been repaired and reopened ahead of schedule,” Sen. Santarsiero said. “This bridge is important to ensuring Doylestown Fire Company can respond to emergencies in a timely manner and that emergency vehicles are no longer restricted from accessing the most direct routes to those in need.”
“Thank you to PennDOT and Senator Santarsiero for making this project a priority for completion,” Jay Fetterolf, President of Doylestown Fire Company, said. “It will certainly speed up our response times for emergencies throughout Doylestown. I am pleased to see the work was completed so quickly.”
The rehabilitation of the bridge carrying Limekiln Road over Cooks Run is part of PennDOT’s $7.8 million project to rehabilitate seven poor condition bridges in Bucks and Montgomery counties, three structurally-deficient culverts in Bucks County, and to stabilize a stream embankment at a bridge in Bucks County.
For more information, including updates on PennDOT’s Five-Year Resurfacing Plan, visit the PennDOT website.
November 8, 2019
BUCKS COUNTY – November 8, 2019 – State Senator Steve Santarsiero (D-10) announced the release of the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation’s (PennDOT) Five-Year Resurfacing Plan for Bucks County. This list reflects requests to prioritize certain roads most in need of attention highlighted during Sen. Santarsiero’s September road tour.
Sen. Santarsiero directed the road tour with representatives from PennDOT and local officials to emphasize roads and bridges throughout the 10th Senate District in need of repair. Three of the roads that were included on Sen. Santarsiero’s tour are now scheduled for repaving in 2020. These roads are Route 202 in Buckingham and Solebury Township, Big Oak Road in Lower Makefield, and Business Route 1 in Falls Township.
Last week, Sen. Santarsiero announced that Limekiln Road Bridge, which was also part of his PennDOT road tour, would be undergoing rehabilitation that was previously not scheduled. This news came after Sen. Santarsiero, along with state Rep. Wendy Ullman (D-143), advocated on behalf of Doylestown Fire Company to PennDOT officials the importance of this bridge to avoid unnecessary delays in emergency response times.
“I’m glad to see so many state highways in the 10th Senate District on PennDOT’s Five-Year Resurfacing Plan,” said Sen. Santarsiero. “I’m grateful to PennDOT for their receptiveness in prioritizing these key roads for repaving and rehabilitation in 2020.”
The Five-Year Resurfacing Plan can change depending on the upcoming winter season or unforeseen emergencies. Residents can be kept up to date at
Sen. Steve Santarsiero represents the 10th Senatorial District, which includes: Bedminster Township, Buckingham Township, Chalfont, Doylestown, Doylestown Township, Dublin, East Rockhill Township, Falls Township, Haycock Township, Hilltown Township, Lower Makefield Township, Morrisville, New Britain, New Britain Township, New Hope, Newtown, Newtown Township, Perkasie, Plumstead Township, Sellersville, Silverdale, Solebury Township, Telford, Tullytown, Upper Makefield Township, West Rockhill Township, and Yardley.
September 12, 2019
BUCKS COUNTY – September 12, 2019 − State Senator Steve Santarsiero (D-10) announced during a road tour with state and local representatives that two local bridge replacement projects and several repaving projects will be the focus of Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT) investment.
Sen. Santarsiero directed a road tour with representatives from PennDOT, state Representative Wendy Ullman (D-143) and local officials to highlight roads and bridges throughout the 10th Senate District in need of repair.
The PennDOT tour began at the Limekiln Road bridge in Doylestown Township and ended at the Falls Township Municipal Building located off Business Route 1. Roads and bridges also toured included Route 202 in Doylestown and Solebury Townships, Route 32 in Yardley, Edgewood Road bridge (nearby Sandy Run Road) and Big Oak Road in Lower Makefield, North Pennsylvania/Union Street bridge in Morrisville Borough, and Route 13 in Morrisville Borough and Falls Township.
At the Limekiln Road bridge stop, Sen. Santarsiero was joined by Rep. Ullman and representatives from the Doylestown Fire Company to demonstrate to PennDOT the need for moving up the timetable for the replacement of the bridge.
“The Limekiln Road bridge has needed to be replaced for quite some time,” Sen. Santarsiero said. “We are working with PennDOT on this project because this is a high-traffic bridge and because its ultimately a public health and safety issue for the Doylestown Fire Company. Being able to get fire trucks across this bridge in order to get to people in need when there are emergencies is absolutely critical.”
“I would like to thank PennDOT for their receptiveness in meeting the needs of the Doylestown community,” Rep. Ullman said. “First, recognizing the critical placement of the Limekiln Road Bridge, they prioritized making needed repairs to reduce inconvenience to the community. Second, our office worked with them to expedite permits for Doylestown Fire Company so their emergency vehicles can maintain response times. Third, when we brought to their attention that the Thompson Bike Classic was concerned about the safety of the riders, they performed a milling and resurfacing miracle on West Court Street, completing the project in two days’ time, just days before the race.”
“Minutes count when there’s an emergency,” said Jay Fetterolf, President of the Doylestown Fire Company. “This is a vital street in our community. Anything that can be done to speed up this process would be greatly appreciated.”
“A lot of our infrastructure was built in the 20s, 30s, and 40s, and we’re coming up on a time where we have to make major infrastructure investments for our bridges,” said Ken McClain, PennDOT’s District Executive for District 6. “We’re looking to add the bridge onto one of our on-demand bridge contracts.”
On behalf of the Doylestown Fire Company, both Sen. Santarsiero and Rep. Ullman wrote letters of support to PennDOT and the Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission to make the replacement of the bridge a top priority. According to Sen. Santarsiero, with new weight restrictions and the bridge being designated as “Poor” by PennDOT, Doylestown Fire Company has had to take detoured routes – leading to increased response times.

Edgewood Road bridge and Sandy Run Road in Lower Makefield Township.
Sen. Santarsiero also wrote a letter of support to PennDOT on behalf of Lower Makefield Township in calling for the coordination of the replacement of the Edgewood Road Bridge project with the township road realignment work in the same area. The project coordination would ensure the reopening of nearby Sandy Run Road.
“One of the things my office will work with PennDOT and the township on is to move the bridge project up on the list,” Sen. Santarsiero said. “We need to stop thinking of the Edgewood Road bridge and Sandy Run Road projects as separate projects. This road tour is about better coordinating our efforts at the state and local level.”
The PennDOT tour route was as followed:
Press Stop: Arrive 1:30 pm – Depart 1:50 pm
- Limekiln Road bridge (Doylestown Township) Drive toward New Hope: Arrive 2:15 pm– Depart 2:30 pm
- Route 202 (Doylestown Township/Solebury Township)
- Resurfacing Drive toward Yardley: Duration 30 minutes
- Resurfacing Press Stop: 3:00 pm – Depart 3:20 pm
- Edgewood Road bridge (Lower Makefield Township) Drive toward Big Oak Rd: 3:30 pm (Duration 10 minutes)
- Big Oak Road (Lower Makefield Township)
- N. Pennsylvania/Union Street bridge that crosses the canal (Morrisville Borough)
- On the TIP for 2022 Drive toward Falls Township: 4:10 pm (Duration 10 minutes)
- Route 13 (Morrisville Borough/Falls Township)
- Resurfacing Drive toward Falls Township Building: 4:25 pm (Duration 15 minutes)
- Lincoln Highway/Bus. Rt. 1
- Resurfacing
End tour: Falls Township Building
- 188 Lincoln Hwy, Fairless Hills, PA 19030