October 18, 2024
BUCKS COUNTY − October 18, 2024 − Senator Steve Santarsiero (D-10) announced today $292,952 for security improvements at houses of worship across the 10th Senate District. The funds come from the Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency (PCCD) Non-Profit Security Grant Program.
“Freedom of religion means no one should fear for his or her safety while observing their faith,” said Senator Santarsiero. “While we all wish it wasn’t the case that houses of worship require increased security, we know in the current climate security improvements are necessary.”
The funding will benefit eight congregations across the Senator’s district, an increase from previous years, due to an additional $5 million in program funding in this year’s budget.
Santarsiero continued, “Interest in the Non-Profit Security Grant Program has far exceeded the program funding in recent years, so I am thrilled the allocation was doubled in this year’s budget, increasing the availability of these critical funds.”
The Non-Profit Security Grant Program administers funds to nonprofit organizations who principally serve individuals, groups or institutions that are included within a bias motivation category for single bias hate crime incidents. For more information, visit the PCCD website.
The 10th Senate District includes Bristol Borough, Bristol Township, Buckingham Township, Chalfont Borough, Doylestown Borough, Doylestown Township, Falls Township, Lower Makefield Township, Morrisville Borough, New Britain Borough, New Britain Township, New Hope Borough, Newtown Borough, Newtown Township, Plumstead Township, Solebury Township, Tullytown Borough, Upper Makefield Township and Yardley Borough.
September 16, 2024
BUCKS COUNTY – September 16, 2024 — State Senator Steve Santarsiero (D-10) announced $5,000,418 in state funds benefitting the 10th Senate District were awarded through the Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency (PCCD).
Five Local Law Enforcement Support Grants will benefit four police departments in the 10th District:
- Falls Township will receive $204,650 for its Bucks County Human Services Co-Responder Program, as well as $99,105 for Pathfinder software integration;
- Central Bucks Regional Police Department will receive $162,467 for National Incident-Based Reporting System;
- Lower Makefield Township will receive $51,573 for National Incident-Based Reporting System; and
- Yardley Borough will receive $46,735 for National Incident-Based Reporting System compliance.
“Our communities are safest when our local police departments have the funding necessary to do their job,” said Senator Santarsiero. “Each of these awards will enable our local police to respond to calls safely, efficiently and effectively.”
Rep. Jim Prokopiak (D-140), who represents Falls Township, said, “As a former Falls Township Supervisor, I know how important these grants are to local police departments. I thank Governor Shapiro and the PCCD for their investments in Falls township and in Bucks County.”
Of the funding for Yardley Borough and Lower Makefield Township, both in House District 31, Rep. Perry Warren (D-31) said, “These grants will allow our police departments to improve services through upgraded systems, technology and data.”
Rep. Tim Brennan (D-29) represents the municipalities served by the Central Bucks Regional Police Department. Rep. Brennan said, “I’m heartened by PCCD’s consistent efforts to make sure local police departments and organizations that provide services to victims have the funding they need to operate effectively. Since taking office, I’ve been working closely with law enforcement agencies across our region to learn what they need and use my position to pursue solutions. Programs like this that provide resources to municipal police forces and related agencies helps to lessen the burden on the PA State Police.”
Organizations supporting crime victims in the 10th district will receive significant funding, including:
- Network of Victim Assistance (NOVA) will receive $125,000 in STOP Violence Against Women Act funding, $1,299,520 for Victims of Crime Act support, as well as $190,000 for a statewide crisis response project;
- A Woman’s Place will receive $672,985 in funding to support services for domestic violence victims;
- Legal Aid of Southeastern Pennsylvania will receive $535,140 for legal services for domestic abuse victims; and
- SeniorLAW Center will receive $1,454,913 to support its programming to help elder victims.
“Unfortunately, there are far too many victims of crime right here in our community,” said Senator Santarsiero. “We are fortunate to have NOVA and A Woman’s Place working to exclusively help residents of Bucks County, as well as legal providers like Legal Aid and SeniorLAW Center serving the broader region. The advocacy and dedication of these organizations serves a critical role in assisting some of our most vulnerable residents when they need it most.”
In addition, Bucks County will receive $143,37 for its jail based Vivitrol Program and $14,959 to develop a 2024 Bucks County Reentry Strategic Plan.
The 10th Senate District includes Bristol Borough, Bristol Township, Buckingham Township, Chalfont Borough, Doylestown Borough, Doylestown Township, Falls Township, Lower Makefield Township, Morrisville Borough, New Britain Borough, New Britain Township, New Hope Borough, Newtown Borough, Newtown Township, Plumstead Township, Solebury Township, Tullytown Borough, Upper Makefield Township and Yardley Borough.
September 21, 2023
BUCKS COUNTY – September 21, 2023 − Senator Steve Santarsiero (D-10) today announced $5,291,460 in state funds were awarded by the Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency (PCCD) to benefit residents of Bucks County.
Federal Victim of Crime Act (VOCA) Funds totaling $4,371,113 were awarded as follows:
- Network of Victim Assistance (NOVA) Bucks: $1,567,916
- A Woman’s Place: $718,405
- Legal Aid of Southeastern Pennsylvania: $563,305
- SeniorLAW Center: $1,531,487
PCCD also awarded Bucks County $920,347 in Continuing County Adult Probation and Parole Grant Funds.
“We are fortunate to have incredible victim services organizations providing vital assistance to some of the most vulnerable residents of Bucks County,” said Senator Santarsiero. “I’m pleased to support PCCD funding for these organizations so they can continue to serve those in need.”
Bucks County Commissioner and PCCD Board Member Diane Ellis-Marseglia said, “I am proud to serve on the PCCD Board and happy that I am able to bring these important funds to protect victims and assist our probation officers in keeping the community safe.”
The federally funded Victims of Crime Act (VOCA) supports the provision of direct services to victims of crime. This includes a broad array of services for victims ranging from crisis intervention, emergency shelter, counseling, and criminal justice advocacy.
For additional information on the Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency visit the PCCD website.
June 13, 2023
BUCKS COUNTY – Senator Steve Santarsiero (D-10) today announced $616,000 in state funds were awarded by the Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency (PCCD) to combat substance use disorders and reduce incarceration in Bucks County.
- Child and Family Focus, Inc: $200,000
- The Council of Southeast Pennsylvania: $200,000
- Bucks County Restrictive Probation Program: $216,000
The funding for Child and Family Services and The Council of Southeast Pennsylvania is a disbursement of State Opioid Response Funds to benefit Bucks County residents with substance use disorders. State Opioid Response Funds support drug courts, Medication Assisted Treatment, Naloxone for first responders and evidence-based prevention programs.
“The opioid epidemic touches every corner of our community, and we must do more to help those who are suffering from substance use disorders,” said Senator Santarsiero. “These organizations do great work treating those in need in our community and I am pleased these state funds are supporting programs to benefit our residents in Bucks County.”
The funding for Bucks County is from Intermediate Punishment Treatment Program funds and will support the county’s Restrictive Probation Program. The program is a sentencing alternative for non-violent offenders in lieu of incarceration.
“Probation is an effective alternative to incarceration for certain non-violent offenders and Bucks County has an impressive program in place,” Senator Santarsiero continued. “These funds will help the county continue its work supporting individuals on probation, setting them on a path toward positive behavioral change.”
Bucks County Commissioner Diane Ellis-Marseglia said, “As a board member of PCCD I was very happy to see these awards were made.”
Child and Family Focus Inc. is a non-profit mental health agency serving children and youth primarily in Bucks, Chester, Delaware, Lehigh and Northampton, and Montgomery counties in Pennsylvania. Additional information about Child and Family Focus can be found on their website.
The Council of Southeast Pennsylvania is a private non-profit prevention, education, advocacy, assessment, intervention, and recovery support organization, serving the counties of Bucks, Chester, Delaware, Montgomery & Philadelphia. Additional information about The Council of Southeast Pennsylvania can be found on their website.
For additional information on the Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency visit the PCCD website.
March 10, 2021
BUCKS COUNTY – March 10, 2021 – State Senator Steve Santarsiero (D-10) announced $98,000 in funding from the Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency (PCCD) that will help local houses of worship make security improvements through its Non-Profit Security Grant Program.
The breakdown of entities receiving funds and how much they have received is:
- St. Mark A.M.E. Zion in Newtown: $24,995
- Abrams Hebrew Academy in Yardley: $24,975
- Temple Judea of Bucks County in Furlong: $21,847
- St. Andrew’s Evangelical Lutheran Church in Perkasie: $13,346
- Jewish Center of Eastern Bucks/Chabad Lubavitch of Yardley: $12,838
“The Non-Profit Security Grant funds will allow these houses of worship to make security enhancements to protect the safety and security of a diverse cross-section of our community,” said Sen. Santarsiero. “Freedom of religion means no one should fear for his or her safety while observing their faith. Unfortunately, that is not always the case, which is why these funds are so important to our community.”
The Non-Profit Security Grant Program administers funds to nonprofit organizations who principally serve individuals, groups or institutions that are included within a bias motivation category for single bias hate crime incidents. For more information, visit the PCCD website.
December 9, 2020
BUCKS COUNTY – December 9, 2020 – State Senator Steve Santarsiero (D-10) announced $2,532,739 in funding from the Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency (PCCD) that will help county organizations and localities serve victims of crimes, assist with treatment, and improve public safety.
“These state funds will meet critical needs in our community, helping our local organizations and entities continue to serve our vulnerable populations,” said Sen. Santarsiero. “We are fortunate that at the county-level there is a strong commitment to rehabilitation and victim’s services, which is amplified by the work of organizations such as NOVA and A Woman’s Place. Our community is safest when there are adequate resources for our justice system, law enforcement and community organizations.”
Bucks County will receive $125,533 in Coronavirus Emergency Supplemental Relief funds. The county will also receive $920,347 through the County Adult Probation and Parole Advisory Committee (CAPPAC) to support the county’s work to improve adult probation services. The Bucks County Commissioners will also receive $387,520 in Children’s Advocacy Center Advisory Committee (CACAC) funds to support a fourth year of its pilot program to prevent child sexual abuse.
Additional CAPPAC funds of $916,121 were awarded in Intermediate Punishment Treatment Funds to the following organizations, to support project work:
- Bucks County Commissioners: $545,570
- Network of Victim Assistance (NOVA): $304,382
- A Woman’s Place: $66,160
NOVA received an additional $125,000 in Victims Services Advisory Committee (VSAC), Federal STOP Violence Against Women Funds, as well as $47,000 from the CACAC for its work as a State Children’s Advocacy Center.
New Hope Borough will receive $11,218 in Criminal Justice Advisory Committee (CJAC) funds that will go toward body-worn cameras for law enforcement.
The Victims’ Services Advisory Committee (VSAC) serves in an advisory capacity to PCCD and to assure that the voices, needs, and perspectives of all crime victims and survivors will be considered in the development of services, services standards, policies, funding priorities, legislation, and outcomes. For more information on VSAC’s role within PCCD, visit the PCCD website.
The County Adult Probation and Parole Advisory Committee (CAPPAC) serves in an advisory capacity to PCCD to ensure reasonable and efficient administration on all matters pertaining to the Pennsylvania County Adult Probation and Parole System. For more information on the CAPPAC’s role within PCCD, visit the PCCD website.
The Children’s Advocacy Center Advisory Committee (CACAC) seeks to promote prevention, treatment, and justice for victims of child sexual abuse and child abuse through children’s advocacy centers and multidisciplinary investigative teams throughout the Commonwealth. To learn more about the CACAC, visit the PCCD website.
The Criminal Justice Advisory Committee (CJAC) seeks to support a comprehensive strategy to reduce crime that prioritizes evidence-based policy and practice at every stage of the Commonwealth’s justice system. For more information on the CJAC, visit the PCCD website.
September 10, 2020
BUCKS COUNTY – September 10, 2020 – State Senator Steve Santarsiero (D-10) announced $8,512,517 in funding from the Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency (PCCD) will be helping Bucks County organizations and localities serve victims of crimes and assist with offender probation programming. Through the Victims Services Advisory Committee (VSAC), $8,296,517 will be dispersed pursuant to the Federal Victims of Crime Act (VOCA) to the following organizations:
- Network of Victim Assistance will receive $4,481,387.
- A Woman’s Place will receive $2,127,215.
- Legal Aid of Southeastern Pennsylvania will receive $1,689,915.
- Plumstead Township will receive $106,118.
“These funding awards will help support critical work by these exemplary organizations to provide assistance to survivors of domestic violence and other crimes,” said Sen. Santarsiero. “The programs supported by these funds benefit our community by providing crisis response to those in need. I am proud of the organizations committed to serving our residents here in Bucks County and the important services they offer.”
An additional $216,000 in Intermediate Punishment Treatment Funds from the County Adult Probation and Parole Advisory Committee (CAPPAC) will go to Bucks County to support its Restrictive Probation Program.
The Victims’ Services Advisory Committee (VSAC) serves in an advisory capacity to PCCD and to assure that the voices, needs, and perspectives of all crime victims/survivors will be considered in the development of services, services standards, policies, funding priorities, legislation, and outcomes. For more information on VSAC’s role within PCCD, visit the PCCD website.
The County Adult Probation and Parole Advisory Committee (CAPPAC) serves in an advisory capacity to PCCD to ensure reasonable and efficient administration on all matters pertaining to the Pennsylvania County Adult Probation and Parole System. For more information on the CAPPAC’s role within PCCD, visit the PCCD website.
June 14, 2019
HARRISBURG − June 14, 2019 − State Senator Steve Santarsiero (D-10), and state Representatives Wendy Ullman (D-143) and Perry Warren (D-31), announced the award of over two million dollars in state grants from the Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency (PCCD) to various Bucks County-based organizations.
“From providing technological upgrades for local police departments to expanding services to organizations protecting victims of domestic violence, these grants will go so far in better protecting the residents of Bucks County,” Sen. Santarsiero said. “I look forward to working with my colleagues in the State House, Representatives Ullman and Warren, in delivering more resources to the critically important criminal justice programs that serve our communities.”
“I’m thrilled that these programs have received these grants because they serve some of the most vulnerable populations in our community,” Rep. Ullman said. “It’s critical that these programs have sufficient funds to perform the vital work they do. I will continue to look for more opportunities to support Bucks County.”
“This grant will help Lower Makefield upgrade its record management system, reduce costs and improve efficiency,” Rep. Warren said. “I will continue to look for opportunities to support municipal services in our communities.”
The following grants were awarded in the 10th senatorial district:
Criminal Justice Advisory Committee (CJAC)-Byrne Justice Assistance Grant: $10,000 for the Central Bucks Regional Police Department for a technology upgrade.
CJAC-2019 County Jail-Based Vivitrol Program: $500,000 to the Bucks County Commissioners for the Bucks County Jail-Based Recovery Programs.
CJAC-Residential Substance Abuse & Treatment (RSAT) Funds: $125,000 to Bucks County Commissioners for the Bucks County Corrections HEART Program.
Victims Services Advisory Committee (VSAC)-2019-2021 Victims of Crime Act (VOCA) Funding (Competitive): $541,940 to A Woman’s Place to expand critical domestic violence services
VSAC – 2019-2020 Victims of Crime Act (VOCA) Funding – Noncompetitive Extension: $510,506 to A Woman’s Place for the VOCA 19-20 Non-Competitive FA Extension. $850,846 was awarded to Network of Victim Assistance (NOVA) for the NOVA VOCA Project Extension.
CJAC – Byrne Justice Assistance Grant: $48,719 to Lower Makefield Township Lower Makefield to upgrade its record management system.
You can view all the grants awarded by the PCCD here.