BUCKS COUNTY — January 30, 2025 — Senator Steve Santarsiero (D-10) and Rep. Tim Brennan (D-29) announced today $225,000 in state funds for Chalfont Borough to complete a section of the Northern Neshaminy Greenway Trail.  The funding is through the Pennsylvania Department of Community and Economic Development Greenways, Trails, and Recreation Program.

“This section of trail in Chalfont Borough will help close one of the key remaining gaps in this regional trail and will increase regional recreational and economic opportunities,” said Senator Santarsiero.  “I enthusiastically supported this grant award to complete this expansive trail network and improve opportunities for residents to move naturally in our built environment.”

When complete, the Neshaminy Creek Greenway Trail will span 33 miles, reaching from Peace Valley Park near Chalfont to Neshaminy State Park and East Coast Greenway in Bensalem. The final section in Chalfont Borough is a 1,000-foot section from Lindenfeld Parkway to Jason Drive.

“As a local elected official and now a state elected official, I have worked tirelessly to improve our trail networks. Building these networks are good policy for our health, quality of life and for even for our local economy.  Bucks County has so many beautiful landscapes and these trails give us the opportunity to enjoy them,” said Rep. Brennan. “I can’t wait to be able to recommend this one to those coming to visit Chalfont.”

Chalfont Borough Manager Shawn Curran said, “We are grateful to Senator Santarsiero and Representative Brennan for securing this funding to complete the northern section of the Neshaminy Creek Greenway.” 

Act 13 of 2012 establishes the Marcellus Legacy Fund and allocates funds to the Commonwealth Financing Authority for planning, acquisition, development, rehabilitation and repair of greenways, recreational trails, open space, parks and beautification projects using the Greenways, Trails, and Recreation Program. Funding can be used for development, rehabilitation and improvements to public parks, recreation areas, greenways, trails, and river conservation.

For additional information on DCED Greenways, Trails and Recreation Program visit the DCED website.
