Blood Drive

The blood drive will be on Monday, October 15,2024 from 2-7 PM. It will take place at the Central Bucks Senior Activity Center at 700 Shady Retreat Road, Doylestown, PA. Registration is required.  Register here: Steve Santarsiero

Help for Job Seekers

Bristol Township Municipal Complex 2501 Bath Road, Bristol, United States

Meet with a specialist for job search assistance, including resume review, mock interviews, and personalized job search guidance. RSVP Below

Shredding Event and Food Drive

Holy Family University One Campus Drive, Newtown, PA, United States

Senator Steve Santarsiero and Rep. Perry Warren will host a Shredding Event & Food Drive Benefitting Bucks County Opportunity Council on Saturday, October  26th from 10 am - noon at Holy Family University- Newtown Campus located at 1 Campus Drive, Newtown. WHAT CAN BE SHREDDED: Paper, checks, bills, manila folders. Staples and paper clips do […]