Senate Democrats Call on Republicans to Immediately Prioritize Gun Violence Prevention Legislation and Appropriations

HARRISBURG – Mayo 25, 2022 – Today, Pennsylvania Senate Democrats wrote the following letter to Republican leaders in response to rampant gun violence and mass shootings that have become too common in the United States. Just this year, 215 mass shootings have taken place in the country, with the devastating shooting that occurred at Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, Texas on Mayo 24, 2022, being the 215th

In the letter, the caucus calls on the Republican majority to act on “reasonable and responsible legislation and appropriations” that does not infringe on Second Amendment rights but will help keep guns away from bad actors and support gun violence prevention. Senate Democrats list seven bills that have been introduced to mitigate gun violence but have sat in committee with no discussion or votes. They also highlight how American Rescue Plan dollars and Pennsylvania’s current budget surplus can be used to help communities prevent horrific violence.

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State to Provide Big Savings to Many Workers by Not Taxing Student Loan Forgiveness

Applies to the Public Service Loan Forgiveness (PSLF) Program and the Pennsylvania Student Loan Relief for Nurses (SLRN)

Harrisburg, Pa. – Diciembre 17, 2021 –  Governor Tom Wolf announced today that Pennsylvanians will not have to pay state income tax on the student loan debt relief they get from the federal Public Service Loan Forgiveness (PSLF) Program and the Pennsylvania Student Loan Relief for Nurses (SLRN) Program. The decision by the Wolf Administration will save people eligible for those programs potentially thousands of dollars in state tax.

“The point of student loan forgiveness programs for public servants is that these are people who have chosen jobs, often in lower paying fields, because they want to make a difference,” said Gov. Wolf. “It’s wrong to take what should be a blessing and turn it into just another burden.

“As a commonwealth and as a nation, we can’t afford for astronomical student loan debt to keep talented people from choosing to serve as teachers, firefighters, or nurses. We need to make sure that financial burdens don’t keep our best and brightest from taking on some of our most important jobs. Ensuring that student loan forgiveness through the PSLF and SLRN programs is not considered taxable income will remove one more barrier for Pennsylvanians who are working to make a difference in our communities.”

Student loan forgiveness is not considered taxable income at the federal level, and the decision announced by the governor brings Pennsylvania in line with the majority of other states. It also removes an immense burden from student borrowers who receive loan forgiveness in Pennsylvania by ensuring that they aren’t surprised by a large tax bill the year they receive their loan forgiveness.

The SLRN Program was established to help nurses in Pennsylvania who have worked tirelessly to fight the COVID-19 pandemic continue in the nursing profession by relieving some of the burden of student loans.

The PSLF Program is a federal program that permits Direct Loan borrowers who make 120 qualifying monthly payments under a qualifying repayment plan while working full-time for a qualifying employer to have the remainder of their student loan balance forgiven. Qualifying employers include federal, state, local and tribal governments, as well as 501(c)(3) non-profits.

As an example, a Pennsylvanian with $50,000 in student loans forgiven through PSLF will avoid the unpleasant surprise of a $1,535 state income tax bill.

“I want to thank Senator Bob Casey and state Senators ​Katie Muth, ​Steve Santarsiero and ​Lindsey Williams for bringing this issue to my attention,” said Gov. Wolf. “Their advocacy helped my administration bring about a crucial change to better support hard-working Pennsylvanians trying to build a life while making life better for their neighbors.”

Gov. Wolf took action by encouraging the Department of Revenue to revisit prior guidance on loan forgiveness to make sure that Pennsylvania residents benefitting from student loan forgiveness programs such as PSLF and SLRN are not surprised by a tax bill from the state.

“Pennsylvanians have some of the highest student loan debt in the country – and when these students are finally eligible to see some of their loan forgiven through public service, they should not be burdened with a surprise tax bill,” Sen. Muth said. “I appreciate that the Administration and Department of Revenue took swift action to make this vital change to our state tax regulations. Thank you to Senator Lindsey Williams for leading on this important issue for the many of us with outstanding student loans, and to all of the staff who worked hard to make this happen.”

“Our public school teachers, nurses, counselors and other public service employees shoulder the demanding work of preparing our children for successful and enriching lives,” Sen Santarsiero said. “This fix to the tax bulletin will support these employees to focus on their careers serving our communities without being saddled with an unexpected state tax burden.”

“I’m grateful for the swift action by the Governor’s Administration after my colleagues and I raised this issue on behalf of our constituents,” said Sen. Williams. “Student loan debt is a massive hurdle that prevents many Americans from investing in their communities and local economies. I’m overjoyed that those who qualify for these loan forgiveness programs, like teachers and nurses, will no longer face a surprise tax bill just because they live in Pennsylvania.”

The Department of Revenue issued a revised tax bulletin today to clarify the language around student loan forgiveness and make clear that loan forgiveness through PSLF and SLRN is not considered taxable income.

MEDIA CONTACT: Elizabeth Rementer,

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PA Senate Dems Again Call for Legislative Window of Justice for Adult Survivors of Sexual Abuse & More Protections for the Future

Harrisburg, Pa. – Marzo 12, 2021 − Pennsylvania Senate Democrats held a press conference today to again call for immediate action to create a two-year window for adult survivors of sexual abuse currently barred from seeking justice due to statutory time limitations. Members also discussed the possibility of an emergency constitutional amendment and creating more protections from abuse for all Pennsylvanians through legislative action. 

“Survivors have waited far too long for their rightful pathway to justice and healing,” said Senator Katie Muth (D-Chester).  “In good conscience, we cannot wait another day, let alone force survivors to endure another two years of suffering, due to an administrative oversite or court challenges.  I urge all my colleagues in the General Assembly to show the courage and fortitude to do what is right and act urgently to advance these common-sense legislative priorities without delay.”

Senate Democrats said that a legislative two-year window of justice for survivors would be the most expeditious way to ensure immediate justice for survivors of abuse as the previously approved constitutional amendment was unintentionally voided by the Pennsylvania Department of State. The constitutional amendment creating the window was not properly advertised and is now void. 

To amend Pennsylvania’s constitution in the traditional way, a bill must pass in identical form in two consecutive legislative sessions. After each passage, the bill must be advertised. After the second passage of the bill, it goes to voters for their approval. 

“Unfortunately, we cannot change the past for victims of sexual abuse, but we can change the future,” said Senator Wayne Fontana (D-Allegheny). “And we can do that now.  I, once again, call for the General Assembly to pass legislation to open the 2-year window for civil action and eliminate the criminal and civil statute of limitations for sex abuse.  It is time to give victims the justice they deserve.”

Senate Democrats stated they do not believe that survivors should have to wait any longer for justice. They were promised a chance at a two-year window to seek closure, and they deserve to have that promise fulfilled. The path to justice should be expeditiously and relentlessly pursued, whether through an immediate legislative solution, or through a bipartisan, emergency constitutional amendment process that would waive the two-session requirement of a standard constitutional amendment. 

“Survivors of abuse have been denied justice for far too long,” said Senator Maria Collett (D-Montgomery/Bucks). “Through no fault of their own, victims have had to grapple with setback after setback – but justice delayed is justice denied. We have the authority to create a pathway to justice now through the legislation we’ve introduced today. I call on my colleagues in the General Assembly to pass these bills allowing survivors to finally seek the justice they deserve.”

Statutory windows to justice have been upheld constitutionally in several other states, and the Senate Democratic Caucus members said they believe that it is an acceptable and necessary step toward justice here in Pennsylvania.

“Refusing to consider this bill because what alleged abusers might do to further escape accountability isn’t just wrong, it’s revictimizing survivors,” said Senator Lindsey Williams (D-Allegheny). “It’s time for the Senate, and the General Assembly, to be leaders in the fight for justice for these survivors.”

Members have also introduced an updated version of Senate Bill 540 from last session which would amend Title 42 (Judiciary and Judicial Procedure) to: 

  1. Eliminate the criminal and civil statute of limitation for sexual abuse, assault and misconduct for all survivors, regardless of age, 
  2. Provide a 2 year civil window to revive previously expired SOL claims with a 6-month delay, and
  3. Prohibit non disclosure agreements that would otherwise prevent an adult survivor to report.

“We led the fight last session to reform Pennsylvania’s statute of limitations, and we will not let up now,” said Senator Tim Kearney (D-Delaware). “The process of a constitutional amendment was unnecessary in the first place. Survivors have waited long enough for justice, and they shouldn’t have to wait another two years because of an administrative mistake. We must pass this bill now, because justice delayed is justice denied.” 

“There are few issues that are more emotionally charged than the decades-long denial of justice to childhood victims of sexual assault,” said Senator Steve Santarsiero (D-Bucks). “Their stories of abuse have been seared into the public consciousness.  We can, and must, act today to ensure there is no further delay in bringing these victims closer to the justice they have been denied for too long.  They must have their day in court.”

All Senators reiterated the importance of passing legislation that brings justice to the adult victims of sexual abuse who could not seek it as children, and that protects future generations of Pennsylvanians from such horrors. Democrats ask for a swift passage of these bills and the Governor’s commitment to signing them into law as soon as they get to his desk.




We Can & Must Do Justice

By Steve Santarsiero, State Senator (D-10, Bucks County)

Earlier this week it was revealed that the Pennsylvania Department of State failed to advertise the 2019 passage of a proposed amendment to the state constitution that would allow the victims of child sex abuse, whose claims had been barred by the statute of limitations, a two-year window in which to file suit against responsible individuals and institutions.  The failure to do so means that any such amendment must now wait at least another two years before it can be enacted.

There are few issues that are more emotionally charged than the decades-long denial of justice to those victims.  Their stories of abuse have been seared into the public consciousness.  They must have their day in court.  Despite the Department’s error, they still can, as early as this year in fact.  Before addressing that point, however, it is worth considering the political fallout from this week’s news.

The duty to advertise the legislature’s passage of a proposed amendment to the constitution rests with the Secretary of State.  Although, as a practical matter, such tasks fall to Department staff, whom the Secretary reasonably relies on to do their jobs, to paraphrase Harry Truman, the buck stops with those in charge.  Accepting that responsibility, Secretary Kathy Boockvar offered her resignation to the Governor, and he accepted it.  In the process, however, the Commonwealth is losing a true public servant. 

Secretary Boockvar began her tenure by overseeing, in the face of considerable opposition by the Pennsylvania Republican Party, the state’s transition from its old voting machines to those that use verifiable, paper ballots, which can always be counted in the case of a dispute.  She then administered the implementation of Pennsylvania’s new, no-fault absentee voter law.  The passage of that law in 2019, combined with the public’s concerns about the pandemic, resulted in unprecedented numbers of people casting their votes by mail in 2020.  She followed both of those accomplishments by working with county officials to ensure that everyone’s votes were counted in the Noviembre election, despite persistent attempts to disenfranchise the millions of Pennsylvanians who chose to vote by mail.  Throughout that process, Boockvar was an unflappable defender of our democracy, even in the face of numerous threats to her personal safety and that of her family.  Hers was a record of exemplary and, indeed, courageous service.

The irony of all this, of course, is that there never really was a need to amend the state constitution to allow the victims of child sex abuse access to justice.  The General Assembly can pass a law today – which the Governor has said he will sign, if it does – that allows for the so-called two-year look back.  Legal scholars and the Attorney General agree that this can and should be done. 

So, why are we trying to amend the constitution and tossing aside a dedicated public servant in the process?  Because the Republican leaders of the State House and Senate refuse to allow such a bill to be brought up for a vote.  They argue that, if it were to pass, its constitutionality would be challenged.  That may be, but just because those who bear responsibility for what happened to innocent children might challenge a new law that gives those now adult victims redress, does not mean that a challenge would succeed, and it should no longer be allowed to serve as the excuse for the legislature’s inaction. 

This week, Senators Muth, Kearney, Collett, Lindsey Williams and I offered such a bill in the State Senate.  We hope that a companion bill will be offered in the House.  The legislation should be brought up for a vote and sent to the Governor’s desk without delay.  To do anything less would amount to a needless continuation of the delay of justice for the victims.  It is bad enough that the Department of State’s mistake is causing us to lose Secretary Boockvar; let us not compound that loss by yet again denying justice to those who have already waited too long. 

Statement: 16 Democratic State Senators Denounce Frivolous Election Lawsuits and Continued Attempts to Undermine our Democracy

HARRISBURG – Diciembre 10, 2020 – Today the following members of the Pennsylvania State Senate signed a joint statement – set forth below – denouncing the brazen attempt of the attorneys general of Texas and seventeen other states to disenfranchise millions of Pennsylvanians and voters in three other states by asking the United States Supreme Court to prevent electors in Pennsylvania and those other states that voted for Joe Biden from certifying him the winner when they meet in Harrisburg and the other state capitals on Lunes, Diciembre 14. 

The statement reads as follows:

“The lawsuit by the attorneys general of Texas, Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Indiana, Kansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Utah and West Virginia is based on the outright lie that voter fraud prevented Donald Trump from getting re-elected.  Since Election Day, the Trump legal team has filed scores of such suits trying to overturn the will of the people. Time and again, the judges in those matters – in many cases conservative, Republican judges, some of whom Donald Trump appointed himself – have found that there was no evidence to support those claims and dismissed the suits accordingly.

The bedrock of our democracy is the right to vote and the right of voters to be sure that their votes will be counted.  This lawsuit and others like it are a direct attack on that fundamental principle.  It seeks to perpetuate the lie that the presidential election was somehow stolen.  While partisan politics – and a desire to appease the president’s restive base – may be the motivation for this latest court challenge, allowing it to go forward in silence is dangerous and, we believe, would constitute a dereliction of our duty as elected representatives of the people to uphold the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.

The facts are these:  Joe Biden received over 81 million votes, more than any candidate for president in the history of the United States and about 7 million more than Donald Trump.  He received 80,555 more votes than the president in Pennsylvania.  Mr. Biden received the most votes in 25 states and the District of Columbia, and, therefore, on Diciembre 14 when the Electoral College convenes, will be awarded 306 electoral votes, 36 more than the 270 needed to be elected president.  Every vote cast for Joe Biden was cast freely and fairly, whether in person or by mail.  In each state the vote-counting process was transparent and undertaken pursuant to law.  Local and state officials, both Republican and Democratic alike, have attested to those facts, and, as noted, the courts have agreed.  Joe Biden won the election.

Donald Trump has lost his bid for re-election; he seems incapable of accepting that fact.  For the first time in American History, a sitting president who lost re-election has refused to acknowledge his loss, acting instead like a would-be autocrat who cannot accept any outcome that does not have him staying in power.  While that may be a commentary on the character of the man, it cannot be a cause for setting aside the will of the people.

All of us have a responsibility – indeed we would go so far as to say a sacred duty – to ourselves, our fellow Americans and generations to come to prevent the lie that this election was stolen from living on and undermining future elections.  For these reasons we have signed this statement and call upon others to likewise speak out and denounce this lawsuit against our state for what it is: an attack on our democracy.”


Senator Steve Santarsiero, 10th District  

Senator Vincent Hughes, 7th District   

Senator Maria Collett, 12th District 

 Senator Judy Schwank, 11th District 

Senator Tim Kearney, 26th District 

Senator Christine Tartaglione, 2nd District  

Sen.-Elect Amanda M. Cappelletti, 17th District     

Sen.-Elect Carolyn Comitta, 19th District  

Senator Jay Costa, 43rd District    

Senator Anthony H. Williams, 8thDistrict

Senator Katie Muth, 44th District 

Senator Art Haywood, 4th District

Senator Sharif Street, 3rdDistrict          

Senator Lindsey Williams, 38th District

Sen.-Elect Nikil Saval, 1st District

Sen.-Elect John Kane, 9th District

Los demócratas del Senado de Pensilvania instan a que se adopten medidas legislativas en favor de las familias trabajadoras y se comprometen a oponerse al grupo de trabajo partidista COVID

Harrisburg, PA - 8 de abril, 2020 - El Senado levantó la sesión el martes por la tarde después de que los republicanos de la Cámara indicaron que no iban a tomar el proyecto de ley del Senado 841, la legislación que habría permitido a los municipios locales para celebrar sus reuniones a distancia, permitió el uso de e-notario; alargado el período de tiempo que un contribuyente de impuestos de propiedad puede recibir un descuento por pronto pago y retrasar las sanciones por retraso en los pagos al 31 de diciembre; y permitió a las empresas a hacer pagos atrasados en EITC. Otra enmienda importante ofrecida por el senador Pam Iovino (D-Allegheny) permitió a los distritos escolares para renegociar los contratos para garantizar los trabajadores escolares contratados pueden cobrar y seguir recibiendo beneficios.

La enmienda SB 841 fue aprobada por el Senado con apoyo bipartidista. Mientras que los demócratas y los republicanos del Senado optaron por dejar de lado las diferencias partidistas, los republicanos de la Cámara estaban presionando para complacer a los intereses especiales y los grandes donantes. Con la intención de utilizar esta crisis como palanca, el presidente Turzai y su caucus aprobaron legislación para permitir prematuramente que los negocios reabran durante esta crisis de salud pública y crear un grupo de trabajo partidista para interferir con la respuesta al desastre del Gobernador, ambos de los cuales innecesariamente arriesgan vidas y amenazan con gastar la emergencia.

"Mientras el Gobernador y el Secretario del Departamento de Salud ofrecen liderazgo en materia de seguridad pública en las sesiones informativas diarias y los miembros demócratas de la Cámara de Representantes y el Senado de Pensilvania redactan proyectos de ley para proteger a los trabajadores que están sin trabajo o empleados en primera línea de negocios esenciales, los republicanos están poniendo vidas en riesgo y socavando los mejores esfuerzos del Gobernador y el Secretario Levine para poner fin a esta crisis", dijo el líder demócrata del Senado Jay Costa, Jr."En lugar de seguir el consejo de nuestro Secretario de Salud, están intentando ralentizar nuestra respuesta y acelerar la reapertura de negocios no esenciales en contra de la orientación de todas las entidades de salud pública del país".

Los republicanos de la Cámara buscaban medidas aún más atroces para proporcionar inmunidad civil a las grandes empresas, poner en peligro la capacidad de los distritos escolares para pagar a sus maestros y dejar a nuestros empleados del departamento de correcciones en grave peligro de contraer el Coronavirus. Tal vez lo peor de todo es que el lenguaje no hace nada para proteger a los trabajadores de primera línea, proporcionar asistencia a los que están sin trabajo, o para ayudar a las pequeñas empresas a superar esta crisis.

En una enmienda al proyecto de ley 327 del Senado, los republicanos de la Cámara de Representantes diseñaron un grupo de trabajo con designaciones partidistas para usurpar la capacidad del Gobernador de responder rápidamente a esta crisis en rápida evolución. Su proyecto de ley obligaría a la Secretaria de Salud a abandonar la PEMA, restar horas a la planificación de crisis de salud pública y defender su trabajo ante un órgano redundante y político.

La bancada demócrata del Senado no apoyará estos proyectos de ley. Como alternativa, este grupo apoyará la legislación sobre los siguientes temas:

  • Plan de acción para la protección de los trabajadores de primera línea (Collett/L. Williams)
  • Protección de los trabajadores durante las emergencias de salud pública (Santarsiero)
  • COVID-19 Ley de seguridad de los trabajadores del sector alimentario (Tartaglione)
  • COVID-19 Ley de seguridad de los trabajadores de tiendas de comestibles (Tartaglione)
  • Pago de los servicios contratados en las escuelas (Iovino)
  • Ayuda para el cuidado de niños (Schwank/L. Williams)
  • Ampliación urgente de la Ley de Baja Médica Familiar para proporcionar baja por enfermedad retribuida (Farnese)
  • Subvenciones en caso de crisis para bomberos voluntarios y empresas de socorro debido al COVID-19 (Brewster)
  • Exigir un seguro de interrupción de la actividad empresarial que cubra los cierres de empresas relacionados con COVID-19 (Hughes)
  • Protección contra el desalojo en caso de catástrofe (Farnese)
  • Enfermedad por coronavirus y escuelas: permitir la enseñanza en línea (Dinniman)
  • Creación de un Fondo de Riqueza Común para recaudar donativos de particulares destinados a atender las necesidades esenciales de los necesitados (AH Williams)
  • Establecer la presunción de que los trabajadores que enferman en el lugar de trabajo tienen derecho a las prestaciones de indemnización por accidentes laborales (Tartaglione).
  • Garantizar que la recepción de un cheque de estímulo del gobierno federal no se incluya en los ingresos de una persona a efectos de tener derecho a las redes de seguridad social (Schwank).
  • Eximir de impuestos estatales y locales los cheques de estímulo del Gobierno federal (Brewster)
  • Colaboración con las entidades financieras para exigir la condonación de los préstamos hipotecarios, ayuda a los propietarios de viviendas que fueron despedidos debido a emergencias estatales(Farnese).

"Mientras que muchos trabajadores de Pensilvania están sufriendo la pandemia del COVID-19, enfrentándose a la pérdida de horas de trabajo o incluso al desempleo total, otros que se encuentran en circunstancias más afortunadas han expresado su deseo de ayudar a sus conciudadanos, ya sea donando a una organización benéfica local o patrocinando negocios locales", dijo el senador Anthony H. Williams. "Mediante el establecimiento de la cuenta restringida "Pennsylvania Common Wealth", los contribuyentes podrían redirigir la totalidad o una parte de su cheque de estímulo al estado, que a su vez estaría autorizado a dirigir esos fondos a programas que ayudan a los más necesitados de Pennsylvania - reembolsos de impuestos de propiedad y alquiler, asistencia temporal para familias necesitadas, CHIP o asistencia médica."

"Pensilvania necesita soluciones que ayuden a proteger a sus trabajadores, que han sido los más afectados por las consecuencias de la pandemia del coronavirus", dijo el senador Vincent Hughes. "Nosotros, en el Caucus Demócrata del Senado de Pensilvania, hemos presentado una serie de propuestas políticas que harían precisamente eso, mientras que los republicanos de la Cámara han optado por ignorar estas necesidades e impulsar una agenda que pone en peligro la salud pública y ejerce una presión adicional sobre los trabajadores al retrasar la ayuda inmediata. Nuestra misión debe ser ayudar a la gente en este momento de necesidad sin precedentes y vamos a permanecer vigilantes en la protección de la gente trabajadora en toda la mancomunidad." 

"Como servidores públicos, nuestro deber más importante es proteger la salud, la seguridad y el bienestar de nuestros ciudadanos. Esto incluye tomar decisiones difíciles en tiempos difíciles. Todos queremos que las empresas vuelvan a abrir, que los empleados vuelvan al trabajo, que los estudiantes vuelvan a las aulas y que se reanude algo parecido a la vida normal, pero eso no puede suceder a menos que primero continuemos con los esfuerzos de mitigación y sigamos el consejo de nuestros científicos y expertos", dijo el senador Wayne D. Fontana. "Todo lo contrario puede hacer retroceder el progreso y causar más daños a nuestra economía y, lo que es más importante, a la salud humana". La legislación bipartidista aprobada por el Senado proporciona algunas orientaciones necesarias y alivio a los gobiernos locales, las empresas, los empleados de las escuelas y los contribuyentes de la propiedad durante esta situación sin precedentes. Es inconcebible que los republicanos de la Cámara de Representantes hayan hecho caso omiso de ese deber y hayan optado por no actuar."

"La propagación del coronavirus no ha acallado la voz de los intereses especiales en Harrisburg y eso es trágico", dijo el senador Larry Farnese. "La mitigación a través del aislamiento está funcionando y tenemos que reconocer ese sacrificio a través de una legislación que realmente ayude a los trabajadores de primera línea en lugar de limitarse a decir cosas bonitas en las redes sociales".

"Esta crisis y la respuesta de la Commonwealth a la pandemia de COVID-19 requiere liderazgo, transparencia y cooperación - no la política partidista", dijo el senador John Blake. "Si bien hemos trabajado bien con la mayoría del Senado en soluciones reales que realmente ayudan a las personas en esta crisis, la mayoría de la Cámara busca socavar la autoridad ejecutiva del Gobernador, así como el asesoramiento de expertos médicos y científicos en materia de salud pública. Aplaudo el trabajo realizado por el gobernador Wolf y su administración para mantener a los residentes de Pensilvania a salvo y para mitigar la propagación del COVID-19. Voy a seguir apoyando la legislación importante para ayudar a nuestra comunidad empresarial, los trabajadores de primera línea y profesionales de la medicina, y para proteger a nuestros ciudadanos, las escuelas y los gobiernos locales en todo este estado. Debemos permanecer vigilantes y seguir las recomendaciones del Departamento de Salud de Pensilvania y de los CDC federales".

"Los problemas a los que ya se enfrentaba la Commonwealth se han visto exacerbados por esta pandemia, y los servicios de guardería y los programas de aprendizaje precoz ocupan los primeros puestos de la lista. Las guarderías se tambalean al borde de la insolvencia, por lo que parte de nuestro paquete legislativo aborda el aprendizaje en la primera infancia y la atención infantil segura y de calidad. No podremos reactivar la economía de Pensilvania sin este componente clave", declaró la senadora Judy Schwank. "Además, es vital que se ajusten los requisitos de ingresos de programas estatales como PACENET y la devolución del impuesto sobre bienes inmuebles y alquileres para que los ciudadanos de Pensilvania que reciban ayudas federales no se vean penalizados más adelante."

"La clave de una respuesta eficaz a la pandemia es garantizar que nuestros ciudadanos estén protegidos, se aborden los riesgos sanitarios y nuestra economía se reinicie rápidamente", declaró el senador Jim Brewster. "Por eso he presentado un plan de estímulo de seis puntos que ayudará a las pequeñas empresas, protegerá a los trabajadores y creará puestos de trabajo una vez que hayamos despejado la amenaza que supone la pandemia. Además, tenemos que asegurarnos de atender las necesidades inmediatas y a largo plazo de los primeros intervinientes y de todos los trabajadores y empresas que están prestando servicios esenciales en estos momentos de extraordinaria tensión."

"No hay segmento de nuestra Commonwealth que no se haya visto trastornado por esta crisis. Todo es prioritario. Pero para salvar medios de vida, primero debemos salvar vidas", ha declarado la senadora Maria Collett. "Como enfermera, conozco de primera mano los retos a los que se enfrentan nuestros trabajadores sanitarios y la urgencia de aprobar leyes como el Plan de Acción de Ayuda para los Trabajadores de Primera Línea de American Working Family. Nuestros médicos, enfermeras, primeros intervinientes, auxiliares de cuidados de ancianos y otros no deberían tener que preocuparse por enfermar o infectar a otros mientras realizan su trabajo esencial."

"Es irresponsable que el Estado reabra las empresas en pleno brote de COVID-19. Los que no sean trabajadores esenciales deben permanecer en casa", ha declarado el senador Art Haywood. Quienes no sean trabajadores esenciales deben permanecer en casa", ha declarado el senador Art Haywood. "Tenemos que hacer todo lo posible como legisladores para apoyar a los empleados esenciales que arriesgan sus vidas a diario", dijo el senador Haywood (D-Montgomery/Filadelfia). "Seguiré apoyando el trabajo que el gobernador Wolf y el secretario Levine han hecho para informar al público para que permanezca seguro y se quede en casa".

"Los ciudadanos de Pensilvania cuentan con que sus representantes electos salven vidas respondiendo de forma rápida, pragmática y bipartidista para frenar la propagación de este virus altamente contagioso", dijo la senadora Pam Iovino. "Para cumplir con nuestro deber para con el público, debemos seguir las orientaciones consensuadas de los profesionales de la salud pública, centrarnos en proteger a los trabajadores esenciales de primera línea y establecer protecciones que permitan a los trabajadores en excedencia o desempleados y a las pequeñas empresas capear el trastorno económico."

"Como presidente demócrata de la Comisión de Gobierno Local, he trabajado con las partes interesadas durante semanas para elaborar las disposiciones del SB 841, estoy decepcionado de estas medidas de sentido común, que aprobó el Senado con el apoyo bipartidista, están siendo retenidos por los republicanos de la Cámara por ninguna razón", dijo el senador Tim Kearney. "La Cámara debe aprobar inmediatamente el SB 841 y centrarse en llevar alivio a los residentes de Pensilvania, en lugar de sabotear los esfuerzos del Gobernador para mantener a nuestras familias seguras."

"Ayer, el partido mayoritario en ambas cámaras no hizo uso de su poder legislativo, en el que pueden aprobar literalmente cualquier proyecto de ley que quieran, y en su lugar decidieron hacer las maletas e irse a casa sin más", dijo la senadora Katie Muth. "No aprobar proyectos de ley significativos cuando la gente está luchando por sus vidas es simplemente negligente".

"Ahora no es el momento de hacer política", dijo el senador Steve Santarsiero. "Salvar vidas tiene que ser la primera prioridad. Para ello, todos debemos hacer nuestra parte y seguir los planes del Gobernador y del Departamento de Salud tal y como se nos han explicado en innumerables ocasiones". SB 841 es sólo una de las muchas maneras en que nuestro caucus ha trabajado en un esfuerzo bipartidista para proporcionar alivio a los que más lo necesitan. Sin embargo, el SB 327 es exactamente lo que nuestros profesionales de la salud nos advierten en contra. Promover un retorno prematuro a la normalidad sólo socavará nuestro esfuerzo por mantener a salvo al público, y pondrá aún más en peligro miles de vidas."

"El papel más importante del gobierno es la protección de su pueblo. Desde la crisis del COVID-19, el Senado se ha reunido tres veces, sin apenas resultados. A las comunidades de toda la Commonwealth no les interesa la parálisis del Gobierno, especialmente en los momentos más desesperados. Lo que sí les importa es la protección de nuestra mano de obra esencial, la interrupción de nuestras pequeñas empresas, la pérdida de puestos de trabajo, la permanencia en sus hogares y la educación de sus hijos. Lo único que importa es la preservación y protección de todos los recursos necesarios para mantener a salvo a las familias durante esta crisis sanitaria", declaró el senador Sharif Street.   

 "Tenemos que volver a Harrisburg, tenemos que volver al trabajo. Debemos trabajar juntos para garantizar la protección de nuestras comunidades en tiempos de incertidumbre."

 "Mientras miles de ciudadanos de Pensilvania siguen enfermando y cientos mueren, no es momento de hacer política partidista", dijo la senadora Tina Tartaglione. "Como líderes públicos, debemos unirnos detrás del objetivo común de reducir la amenaza de este virus y mitigar el daño que se está haciendo a nuestros electores. El paquete de proyectos de ley que hemos propuesto ayudará directamente a todas las familias de Pensilvania, incluidos los trabajadores esenciales, los trabajadores desplazados, los primeros en responder, los escolares, los enfermos y los necesitados. Insto a todos los legisladores de todos los partidos políticos a que apoyen estos proyectos de ley".

"Detener la propagación del COVID-19 y salvar vidas es nuestra máxima prioridad. También tenemos que proteger y apoyar a nuestros electores, nuestras comunidades y nuestras empresas", dijo el senador Lindsey Williams. "Nuestros trabajadores esenciales de primera línea -nuestros trabajadores de hospitales, trabajadores de tiendas de comestibles, personal de servicios de emergencia y otros- no pueden permitirse esperar por el EPP. Lo necesitan desde hace semanas. Nuestras guarderías necesitan nuestra ayuda para permanecer abiertas y atender a los hijos de nuestros trabajadores esenciales mientras arriesgan sus vidas por nosotros. Nuestras pequeñas empresas necesitan apoyo financiero para mantenerse a flote. Nuestros municipios necesitan poder reunirse a distancia y tomar decisiones que garanticen la seguridad de todos los residentes. Hay muchas necesidades en este momento y nuestros electores no tienen tiempo para que perdamos el tiempo jugando a juegos partidistas o poniendo nombres a los puentes. Los demócratas del Senado han ofrecido soluciones concretas que ayudarán a la gente. Todos deberíamos trabajar juntos para llevarlas a la mesa del Gobernador para que las firme lo antes posible."

Para más información sobre el trabajo del Grupo Demócrata del Senado de Pensilvania durante la crisis de la COVID-19, visite


Senate Democrats Jointly Introduce Bill to Eliminate Statute of Limitations for Sexual Offenses

HARRISBURG, PA − Abril 10, 2019 − Today, members of the Senate Democratic Caucus introduced legislation to eliminate the statute of limitations for sexual offenses and open a window for civil liability.

The legislation was introduced as Senate Bill 540. 

“I wanted to get to Harrisburg to amplify the voices of those who’ve gone unheard for far too long,” said Senator Tim Kearney. “Trauma does not have an expiration date; We will not limit survivors’ opportunities to seek justice.”

“I support Senate Bill 540 because it follows the unanimous recommendations of the Pennsylvania grand jury that spent two years examining widespread sexual abuse of children by Catholic clergy, and an institutional cover-up spanning decades,” Attorney General Josh Shapiro said. “Since the Grand Jury Report was released last Agosto, 16 other states have opened investigations into clergy abuse and cover-up, the U.S. Justice Department has launched a probe, 1600 people have called our clergy abuse hotline, and 35 states are considering legislative changes like those called for by the grand jury. It’s time for Pennsylvania lawmakers to do their part.”

“Sexual assault is horrific in every instance,” said Senator Maria Collett. “This legislation acknowledges the reality of why victims are often slow to report as well as the egregious lifelong damage this type of trauma inflicts.”

“In the PA House, I worked with Rep. Mark Rozzi in trying to eliminate the statute of limitations in cases of child sex abuse,” said Senator Steve Santarsiero. “Over the past few years support has steadily built for that idea.  This should be the year that we lift the statute for all victims of sexual violence, children and adults.  Justice demands no less.”

“SB 540 is a victim-centered bill that will finally allow all survivors to choose their pathway to healing and justice,” said Senator Katie Muth. “Sexual violence and abuse is a public health crisis and we must stop this rape culture epidemic.”

 “I’m hopeful that this bill will be embraced and ultimately passed with bipartisan support,” said Senator Lindsey Williams.

The bill would amend Title 42 (Judiciary and Judicial Procedure) to:

  • eliminate the criminal and civil statute of limitations (SOL) for sexual abuse, assault and misconduct victims whose abuse happened at any age;
  • provide a 2 year civil window to revive previously expired SOL claims, and; 
  • also provide a 6-month delay to the window in which survivors who wish to voluntarily settle their claim outside the court system are able to do so.

While this bill addresses the concerns of the Grand Jury report on church sex abuse, what will be introduced is not SB 261 of 2017-2018 nor HB 612 of 2017-2018, though those pieces of legislation did inform the context of this bill. 

“There is a war on sexual violence in this country and in so many ways, Pennsylvania has been ground zero,” said state Victim Advocate Jennifer Storm. “I am honored to stand here with our new Senators as we add more voices to this army of support to finally change our broken system, expose those who seek to behind it and offer a path to justice and healing for all Pennsylvania’s victims and survivors.”

The Senators were also joined by a handful of survivor victims who offered remarks on the need for this legislation.

This crisis is indiscriminate of age; there are countless victims who have been subjected to sexual abuse, assault and misconduct in their lifetime. A study done by the Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network (RAINN) found that 82% of sexual assault victims are between the ages of 18 and 64. The 2015 National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey Date Brief showed that 55.6% of women surveyed were 18 years old or older when they were first-time victims of completed or attempted rape.

However, this research is based on reported abuse, assault and misconduct. The Bureau of Justice Statistics found that only 36% of rapes, 34% of attempted rapes, and 26% of sexual assaults were reported between 1992 and 2000. This data describes a marginalized population and does not reflect the real scope of the crisis due to under-reporting.

Senators signed on to sponsor the bill are: Senator Timothy P. Kearney and Senator Maria Collett, Senator Katie J. Muth, Senator Steven J. Santarsiero, Senator Lindsey Williams, Senator John P. Blake, Senator James R. Brewster, Senator Jay Costa, Senator Andrew E. Dinniman, Senator Lawrence M. Farnese, Jr., Senator Wayne D. Fontana, Senator Vincent J. Hughes, Senator Daylin Leach, Senator Judith L. Schwank, Senator Sharif Street, Senator Christine M. Tartaglione, Senator Anthony H. Williams.



Senate Democrats to Introduce Legislation to Abolish Statute of Limitations For Sexual Offenses

Harrisburg – Abril 8, 2019 –  Members of the Pennsylvania Senate Democratic Caucus will introduce legislation to abolish the statute of limitations for a list of sexual offenses, regardless of whether the victim was a child or adult when the crime occurred.

They will be joined by supporters of the bill and survivors of sexual assault.

WHEN: Miércoles, Abril 10 at 9:30 am

WHERE: Main Capitol Rotunda

WHO: Senator Tim Kearney
Senator Maria Collett     
Senator Katie Muth
Senator Steve Santarsiero
Senator Lindsey Williams
Attorney General Josh Shapiro
Victims’ Advocate Jennifer Storm

Companion Legislation to Expand #MeToo PA Act Provisions Proposed by Democratic Senators

Collett, Kearney, Muth, Santarsiero, and L. Williams seek additional reforms 

Harrisburg – Marzo 25, 2019 – Sens. Maria Collett (D-Bucks/Montgomery), Tim Kearney (D-Chester/Delaware), Katie Muth (D-Berks/Chester/Montgomery), Steve Santarsiero (D-Bucks), and Lindsey Williams (D-Allegheny) are sponsoring legislation to expand reforms included in the #MeToo PA General Assembly Act.

First introduced in the state House of Representatives by Rep. Leanne Krueger (D-Delaware) last session, the expanded #MeToo PA General Assembly Act seeks to add reforms to the process and procedures of addressing sexual harassment claims in the Pennsylvania legislature.

“The groundbreaking reform legislation introduced by Rep. Krueger established the framework for what my colleagues and I are building on with our Senate bill,” said Collett. “We need to implement and improve the procedures in which sexual assault and sexual harassment claims are addressed in our government. This legislation allows us to do that.”

Collett and Muth joined Krueger at a news conference today to support the #MeToo movement and unveil their bill.

“As a survivor and supporter of those who have come forward through the #MeToo movement, I believe it is imperative that legislation be put into action to correct serious issues within the process of addressing harassment claims in the General Assembly,” Muth said. “I look forward to working with my colleagues on implementing these reforms.”

The companion legislation being introduced in the Senate would:

  • Establish procedures for keeping investigatory, prosecutorial, and adjudicatory functions separate, as required under state law;
  • establish procedures for communicating temporary regulations that are necessary to promptly implement the new procedures; and
  • combine current settlement provisions with new provisions relating to the source of payment, personal liability of elected officials, and payment of awards.

“This is about creating a safe workplace where employees don’t have to look over their shoulders with worry,” said Kearney. “It’s about creating a system that doesn’t silence survivors, protect offenders, or waste taxpayer money. Going forward, we will ensure that wrongdoers face real repercussions while victims are heard. We will create a Capitol that sets the tone for the entire state.”

Krueger’s original legislation included the banning of non-disclosure agreements that mask the names of General Assembly members who are accused of harassment; requiring credibly accused members of the state legislature to repay any settlements that were paid with taxpayer dollars; and, requiring paid administrative leave, remote work assignments, and reimbursement for licensed counseling offered to employees during the adjudication of proceedings.

“Members of the General Assembly have the responsibility to conduct themselves in a manner that is beyond reproach,” Williams said. “This legislation ensures that members who break that faith are held accountable for their behavior, not the taxpayers.”

The Democratic senators said that their companion legislation would protect the staff and employees of the General Assembly.  Implementing these measures is long overdue, they said.

”We must protect victims of sexual harassment and assault,” Santarsiero said. “People need to feel that they can come forward safely without facing further harm. The safeguards that this legislation will provide are long past due.”

Since its start in 2017, the #MeToo movement has been instrumental in raising awareness of the epidemic of sexual harassment and sexual assault. The movement has also brought to the light the lack of formal processes for victims to report sexual harassment and assault and receive the necessary protections to effectively address these issues.


Media Contact: Eryn Spangler, PA Senate Democrats Communications