Senator Santarsiero, Representative Warren Announce $573,689 Awarded in State Funds for Yardley Borough Sidewalk Improvements 

BUCKS COUNTY – Noviembre 19, 2021 – State Senator Steve Santarsiero (D-10) and state Representative Perry Warren (D-31) announced today the award of $573,689 for Yardley Borough to continue sidewalk upgrades as part of a multi-phase improvement project.

“Yardley Borough is thriving, with bustling restaurants and shops,” said Sen. Santarsiero.   “This project will help expand access to Main Street, connecting residents and visitors to dozens of small businesses and eateries.”

The award is a state Multimodal Transportation Fund grant through the Commonwealth Financing Authority, which will be used to provide connection between North Main Street and Dolington Road and the borough’s sidewalk network east of Afton Road.

“The North Main Street sidewalk project enhances pedestrian safety and is an economic boon to downtown Yardley,” said Rep. Warren. “This grant will almost fully fund Phase III of the sidewalk project and will help residents and visitors more safely experience all Yardley has to offer.”

Yardley Borough Council President David Bria echoed support for the grant, saying “The CFA Multimodal Grant enables Yardley to complete phase three of the North Main Street sidewalk. This long-awaited project represents a major investment in Yardley Borough’s pedestrian infrastructure.”

Sen. Santarsiero has helped secure state funds for the first and second phases of the North Main Street sidewalk project for Yardley Borough.

“Each phase of Yardley Borough’s North Main Street project has improved pedestrian safety and access. I have proudly supported this project since its inception and look forward to seeing this project finally completed,” Sen. Santarsiero said.

Para más información sobre las subvenciones de la Autoridad de Financiación de la Mancomunidad y del Fondo de Transporte Multimodal, visite el sitio web del Departamento de Desarrollo Comunitario y Económico de Pensilvania.


El senador Santarsiero y el representante Warren anuncian una inversión estatal de 75.000 dólares para la restauración del arroyo Newtown Borough 

CONDADO DE BUCKS - 19 de noviembre de 2021 - El senador estatal Steve Santarsiero (D-10) y el representante estatal Perry Warren (D-31) anunciaron hoy que Newtown Borough recibió $ 75,000 para la restauración de un afluente de Newtown Creek.

El proyecto de estabilización de las orillas de "Old Skunky", un afluente del arroyo Newtown, incluirá la recalificación de 220 pies de orilla y la plantación de árboles, arbustos y hierbas autóctonos. Está previsto que se complete en dos años.

"La restauración de las orillas de Old Skunky es fundamental para mantener el Newtown Creek vibrante y saludable, por lo que estaba ansioso por asegurar estos fondos para Newtown Borough", dijo el senador Santarsiero. "El proyecto de restauración de Newtown Creek, incluido el uso de plantas autóctonas, proporcionará beneficios medioambientales a la zona que rodea la vía fluvial".

"He formado parte del Consejo Municipal de Newtown durante siete años. El mantenimiento de la calidad del agua, los sedimentos de Old Skunky y la financiación y el cumplimiento de la MS-4 son y han sido retos continuos", dijo el diputado Warren. "Los líderes del consejo municipal solicitaron y obtuvieron la subvención para la restauración de la cuenca hidrográfica de Old Skunky Streambank Restoration. El proyecto mejorará la calidad del agua, reducirá la erosión y ahorrará dinero a los residentes de Newtown Borough."

La Ley 13 de 2012 creó el Marcellus Legacy Fund y asigna fondos a la Commonwealth Financing Authority para proyectos de restauración y protección de cuencas hidrográficas.

Para más información sobre las subvenciones de la Ley 13 de la Autoridad de Financiación del Estado, visite el sitio web del Departamento de Desarrollo Comunitario y Económico de Pensilvania.


Senator Santarsiero and Representative Warren Announce $1.5 million in RACP Funding to Benefit Morrisville Borough

BUCKS COUNTY – Diciembre 23, 2020  – State Senator Steve Santarsiero (D-10) and State Representative Perry Warren (D-31) announced $1.5 million in state grant funding for improvements in Morrisville Borough.  The Redevelopment Authority of the County of Bucks will receive $1 million for its Manor Park Landfill project and Morrisville Borough will receive $500,000 for a project at Patriots Park at Historic Summerseat.

The Manor Park Landfill project involves remediating and redeveloping a 12.96-acre vacant Brownfield site for new construction of a 70,000 square foot site for commercial use. Once remediation is complete, the redevelopment will include a fully equipped pad site, parking lots, landscaping and a retention basin.

"Quiero dar las gracias al gobernador Wolf por dar prioridad a los fondos RACP para proyectos como estos, proporcionando importantes inversiones estatales en nuestra economía local", dijo el senador Santarsiero. "Apoyé con entusiasmo todas estas solicitudes, abogando por proyectos en todo mi distrito que impulsarán el desarrollo económico y harán mejoras regionales continuas que son especialmente necesarias dados los desafíos de la pandemia." 

“The redevelopment of the Manor Park Landfill for commercial use will drive local job creation and economic growth in Morrisville, while taking necessary steps to protect the local environment,” continued Sen. Santarsiero.  “Remediation and redevelopment projects in locations like this allow us to take advantage of our existing real estate, while improving the health of both of environment and local economy.”

Scott Mitchell, Morrisville Borough Manager said, “This project has been a high priority for Morrisville Borough for many, many years. We are thrilled to hear the grant was awarded so this project can get started and this under-utilized property can be redeveloped.”

“This grant is a double win – for the environment and for the economy,” said Rep. Warren.  “We’ve been working for quite a while with the Borough Council, Mayor and Manager to address the Manor Park Landfill.  This million dollar grant goes a long way toward improving the environment and preparing the property for economic or community use.”

“We are very thankful for Governor Wolf’s support for this project and the local support we receive from Senator Steve Santarsiero, Representative Perry Warren, and Representative John Galloway on this and many other projects in Morrisville,” said Ted Parker, Council President of Morrisville Borough

The Patriots Park at Historic Summerseat project will make improvements to the existing park with new lawn areas for various recreational activities, new asphalt walking paths, a reconstructed access road, numerous new historic statues and other common park features and facilities.

“These improvements to Patriots Park will enable residents and visitors to enjoy the natural beauty and history of Morrisville,” said Sen. Santarsiero.  “I am always pleased to see project that highlight our plentiful open space and foster a strong sense of local community in our area.”

“People love Morrisville’s historic small-town America ambience. The preservation and improvement of Patriot’s Park at Historic Summerseat will create a gathering place at a passive park in the heart of residential Morrisville,” said Rep. Warren.  “Together, these two grants will help create spaces for residents to enjoy and to welcome visitors to Morrisville.”

Los proyectos RACP están autorizados en la sección de Ayuda a la Reurbanización de una Ley de Partidas Presupuestarias de Capital, tienen un impacto regional o multijurisdiccional y generan aumentos sustanciales o mantienen los niveles actuales de empleo, ingresos fiscales u otras medidas de actividad económica. Los proyectos RACP son proyectos financiados por el Estado que no pueden obtener financiación primaria a través de otros programas estatales. 

Para obtener más información sobre los proyectos y subvenciones RACP, visite la Oficina de Presupuesto de Pensilvania de Pensilvania


Senator Santarsiero, Representatives Ullman, Warren, and Galloway Announce Traffic Safety with Red Light Enforcement Funds

HARRISBURG − Mayo 29, 2019 − State Senator Steve Santarsiero (D-10), and State Representatives Wendy Ullman (D-143), Perry Warren (D-31), and John Galloway (D-140), announced that Doylestown Township, Plumstead Township, and Morrisville Borough will receive $380,817, $646,128, and $20,000, respectively, through the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation’s (PennDOT) Automated Red Light Enforcement (ARLE) program, for the purpose of improving traffic safety.

The $380,817 in state funding for Doylestown Township will improve safety at the intersection of Swamp Road and Easton Road by retiming the traffic signal and installing mast arms, emergency preemption, dilemma zone detection, video detection, uninterruptable power supply, pedestrian push buttons, and dedicated hand/man pedestrian signals with countdown timers.

$646,128 in funding for Plumstead Township was approved to improve pedestrian safety at the center of Plumsteadville by installing ADA ramps, crosswalks, pedestrian push buttons Hand/Person pedestrian signals with countdown timers, and signalization upgrades.

For Morrisville Borough, the $20,000 in state funding will be used to update and replace existing regulatory signage at various locations throughout the borough and install breakaway sign posts.

“These grants will help Doylestown, Plumsteadville, and Morrisville to calm traffic and maintain the safety of both motorists and pedestrians alike,” Sen. Santarsiero said. “I want to thank PennDOT for awarding grants for so important a purpose.”

“I am excited to announce these grants, which will improve pedestrian safety, enhance neighborhood walkability, and reduce traffic congestion,” Rep. Ullman said. “Upgrading these intersections will bring quality of life improvements to Doylestown Township and Plumsteadville.”

“The key to keeping communities like Morrisville safe and economically competitive are infrastructure investments,” said Reps. Galloway and Warren.

The ARLE program aims to improve safety at signalized intersections by providing automated enforcement at locations where data shows red-light running has been an issue. Grant funding for ARLE is supplied by fines from red light violations at 30 intersections in Philadelphia. Only projects improving safety, enhancing mobility, and reducing congestion can be considered for funding. 

For more information on the ARLE program, visit the traffic signals page under “Travel In PA” at, or email
