Senator Santarsiero to Host Virtual Caregivers Resource & Support Event

BUCKS COUNTY – Diciembre 2, 2020 – State Senator Steve Santarsiero (D-10) will host a virtual Caregivers Resource & Support event on Martes, Diciembre 8th at 12:30 PM.  Sen. Santarsiero will be joined by speakers from county and state agencies, organizations, and area hospitals, to discuss the challenges facing caregivers, specifically during the COVID-19 pandemic, and resources available to assist caregivers in providing quality care to loved ones, while also taking care of themselves.

“It is likely that we will all find ourselves in the role of caregiver at some point,” said Sen. Santarsiero.   “As Rosalind Carter said, ‘There are only four kinds of people in the world. Those who have been caregivers. Those who are currently caregivers. Those who will be caregivers, and those who will need a caregiver.’  With that in mind, I hope you can join me on Diciembre 8th, as it is never too soon to begin learning about the support available for caregivers.”

“In these unprecedented times, it can feel more daunting than ever to care for a loved one, while also taking care of your own needs and health,” continued Sen. Santarsiero.  “We are fortunate to have many community resources for caregivers that can help connect them to a local network of support.  I encourage anyone who is serving as a caregiver, or expects to in the future, to tune in to this event to learn about these helpful services and connect with other caregivers in our area.”

During the event, the following speakers will share their expertise and valuable information:

  • Valda Branison, Volunteer Team Leader, Office of Volunteer Engagement, AARP
  • Margaret (Maggie) Devlin, Aging Care Management Supervisor, Bucks County Area Agency on Aging
  • Troy Dunston, Caregiver Support Program Coordinator, Pennsylvania Department of Aging
  • Kimberly Radago, Oncology Social Worker, Caregiver Support Group, Grandview Hospital
  • Bethany Heleniak, Community Liaison, LIFE St. Mary

Additional speakers will be added as the event draws closer.

To receive the link to participate in this event via Zoom, please contact Nancy Adam at or 215-489-5000.
