La senadora Santarsiero anuncia 1.028 millones de dólares para mejoras de la seguridad vial en el 10º distrito del Senado

BUCKS COUNTY − Julio 31, 2024 − Senator Steve Santarsiero (D-10), along with Representatives Tim Brennan (D-29) and Jim Prokopiak (D-140), announced today $1,027,735 in state funding through the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT) Green Light-Go program for improvements in the 10th Senate District.

Los premios son los siguientes:

  • Doylestown Borough – $340,995 for modernization of signal equipment at W. State Street/W. Court Street & Clinton Street
  • Doylestown Township – $184,240 for modernization of signal equipment at Pebble Hill Road & Edison Furlong Road (Route 2049) as well as Limekiln Road & Ferry Road.
  • Doylestown Township – $242,700 to update traffic signal equipment at various location throughout the Township.
  • Falls Township – $259,800 for modernization of traffic signal equipment at Hood Blvd & Pennsbury High School

“Each of these projects will improve mobility while increasing pedestrian safety at high use intersections around the district,” said Senator Santarsiero.  “Technological upgrades to our signal equipment ensure all pedestrians have the ability to move naturally and safely throughout our communities.”

“This is the latest in a string of good news for drivers, pedestrians, and bikers in our district. I know all of us are ready for safer, smoother commutes ahead,” Rep. Brennan said. “Sen. Santarsiero and I are always advocating for state funding for road and traffic projects in our communities. I’m glad to see Pennsylvania making smart investments into the infrastructure that impacts our daily lives.”

Of the funding for Falls Township, Rep. Prokopiak said, “The safety of our school students and is of paramount importance. I am pleased to see Falls Township and PennDOT invest in improving the traffic light in front of Pennsbury High School.”

Green Light-Go grants are provided as reimbursement to municipalities for updates to improve the efficiency and operation of existing traffic signals. Grant funding through the Green Light-Go program may be utilized for a range of operational improvements including, but not limited to light-emitting diode (LED) technology installation, traffic signal retiming, developing special event plans and monitoring traffic signals, as well as upgrading traffic signals to the latest technologies.  For more information visit the PennDOT website.
