El senador Santarsiero y la diputada Brennan anuncian 4,4 millones de dólares para el proyecto de tratamiento de aguas de Doylestown

BUCKS COUNTY – Julio 18, 2024 – State Senator Steve Santarsiero (D-10) and Representative Tim Brennan (D-29) today announced a $4,415,435 grant to Doylestown Township Municipal Authority from Pennsylvania Infrastructure Investment Authority (PENNVEST) for a water treatment project in the Doylestown Hunt neighborhood.

Doylestown Township Municipal Authority will use the funds to construct a 45-foot x 25-foot PFAS treatment facility to address PFAS contamination in two existing wells. The facility will house carbon filtration units, as well as iron and manganese treatment units, to remove the PFAS contaminants from the groundwater.

“I advocated for these funds for this critical project in Doylestown Township because clean, safe drinking water is a constitutional right of all Pennsylvanians,” said Senator Santarsiero.  “Infrastructure upgrades like this ensure our residents do not have to worry about potential health effects from contaminated water.”

“This is a significant investment into our water treatment system, and I appreciate PENNVEST’s attention to our community’s infrastructure needs,” Rep. Brennan said. “Ensuring that everyone has access to safe water is a fundamental responsibility of government, and this project demonstrates a strong commitment to reducing public health risks and protecting the environment – lending to our community’s overall wellbeing.”

The project will bring the Authority’s PFAS and manganese levels into regulatory limits significantly reducing health risks typically associated with PFAS and manganese contamination in drinking water.

The award is funded by the federal Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA).
