Senator Santarsiero Announces $450,000 for Plumstead Township Pedestrian Projects
BUCKS COUNTY – Noviembre 19, 2021 – State Senator Steve Santarsiero (D-10), along with state Representative Shelby Labs (R-143) today announced $450,000 in state funds to Plumstead Township for pedestrian improvements on Old Easton Road and Route 611.
“Pedestrian access is critical to keeping our communities safe,” said Sen. Santarsiero. “The extension of the sidewalks and installation of pedestrian signaling along these active roadways will help students get to nearby schools safely and will improve access to Plumstead Township businesses.”
“Improving the safety of our intersections by installing features such as ADA compliant curb ramps, high-visibility crosswalks and pedestrian push buttons, will allow better access to our local businesses, increasing community connection,” said Rep. Labs. “I am pleased to see these funds will contribute to our community in such ways.”
Sen. Santarsiero continued, “These pedestrian expansions are an important piece of the broader Plumstead Village Revitalization Project, ultimately improving accessibility of shops, restaurants and local amenities for residents. I am happy to support this project and look forward to seeing this important work continue.”
Para más información sobre las subvenciones de la Autoridad de Financiación de la Mancomunidad y del Fondo de Transporte Multimodal, visite el sitio web del Departamento de Desarrollo Comunitario y Económico de Pensilvania.