Senator Santarsiero Announces $50,000 for Building Improvements to Perkasie Small Businesses
BUCKS COUNTY – Agosto 2, 2021 – Nineteen small businesses in Perkasie will be poised for façade upgrades, thanks to a $50,000 state grant, Senator Santarsiero (D-10) announced today. The Keystone Communities Façade grant, administered through the Pennsylvania Department of Community and Economic Development (DCED) was awarded to Perkasie Towne Improvement Association (PTIA) as part of more than $200,000 in planned upgrades to Perkasie’s business district.
“Perkasie’s charm will get a little polish with these façade improvements,” said Senator Santarsiero. “I enthusiastically supported this grant to help PTIA continue the expansion and development of Perkasie’s vibrant business district, and give a boost to local businesses.”
PTIA was established in partnership with Perkasie Brough and in consultation with the local community to lead efforts in revitalizing economic and cultural opportunities the historic community. The partnership between PTIA and the borough has been extraordinarily successful, significantly increasing the number of small businesses, as well as developing and participating in community partnerships such as the Perkasie Farmers Market, Bucks County Covered Bridge Tour, and the Bucks County Ale Trail.
“Our businesses are excited about the opportunity to complete much-needed improvements that will enhance our economic development progress,” said Joe Ferry, Director of Development, Perkasie Towne Improvement Association
For more information on the Keystone Communities Façade Grant program visit the Pennsylvania Department of Community and Economic Development website.