28 de febrero de 2023
Condado de Bucks, PA- 28 de febrero 2023 - El senador Steve Santarsiero (D-10) se unió a sus colegas demócratas en el Senado del Estado para pedir a los líderes republicanos del Senado para hacer justicia a las víctimas de abuso sexual infantil, mediante la aprobación de una legislación para abrir una ventana de dos años para las víctimas a presentar reclamaciones sobre los asaltos que han expirado el estatuto de limitaciones.
Emitió la siguiente declaración:
"Ha llegado por fin el momento de abrir de par en par la puerta a la justicia para las víctimas de abusos sexuales en la infancia. El Senado del Estado puede hacerlo ahora mismo aprobando la HB 1 o la HB 2. El proyecto de ley HB 1 enmendaría la Constitución del Estado para permitir el plazo de dos años para las reclamaciones que actualmente han prescrito. El proyecto de ley 2 haría lo mismo como una simple promulgación de leyes. Si bien creemos que un nuevo estatuto resistiría un desafío constitucional y representa un camino mucho más rápido a la justicia, apoyamos la modificación de la Constitución si eso es lo que la mayoría republicana sigue insistiendo. Pero tenemos que hacerlo ahora".
"Los republicanos del Senado aprobaron la enmienda constitucional en enero, pero la unieron a dos propuestas de enmienda no relacionadas: una que permitía la identificación de los votantes, tan mal redactada que ni siquiera sus autores pudieron explicarla, y otra que permitía al poder legislativo anular las normas del poder ejecutivo. Las víctimas no deberían ser rehenes de la agenda política de los republicanos del Senado en estas cuestiones. No tienen nada que ver con garantizar a las víctimas el acceso a los tribunales".
"Hace tiempo que pasó el tiempo del debate. Aprobemos estos proyectos de ley".
El viernes 24 de febrero, la Cámara de Representantes aprobó la enmienda constitucional, House Bill 1, por un voto abrumadoramente bipartidista de 161Y-40N. A continuación, se aprobó el proyecto de ley 2, la modificación estatutaria, por 134Y-67N, en una votación igualmente bipartidista.
Vea aquí la rueda de prensa completa del Grupo Demócrata del Senado.
Consulte aquí el texto de la Proposición de Ley 1.
Consulte aquí el texto de la Proposición de Ley nº 2.
Febrero 27, 2023
HARRISBURG, PA – Febrero 27, 2023 – Today, Senate Democrats held a press conference calling for the swift and bipartisan passage of HB1 and HB2, which would open a Window to Justice for survivors of child sexual abuse.
“The time to pass a Window to Justice for these survivors is now,” said Democratic Leader Jay Costa. “We are calling on our colleagues in the Senate Republican Caucus to do the right thing here and deliver justice for these victims quickly and in a bipartisan fashion.”
“The victims of childhood sexual abuse have been failed by so many people in so many ways,” said Senator Sharif Street. “Let’s not fail them again by failing to act. It is offensive to use them as a bargaining chip, this should not be politicized.”
HB1 and HB2 were passed with overwhelming bipartisan support. HB1, which would create a constitutional amendment, passed 161-40, with Democrats voting unanimously for its passage. HB2, which would amend the statute itself, passed 134-67, again with unanimous Democratic support.
“We have a moral obligation and a professional duty to get this done,” Senator Santarsiero said. “This is not a new issue, and we have a unique opportunity here in the Senate to finally get these survivors justice. Let’s do the right thing and let’s do it now.”
“Today we have the opportunity to deliver HB 1 and HB 2 to the Governor’s desk and finally give adult survivors of child sex abuse a window to justice,” said Senator Maria Collett. “The longer we delay, the more survivors suffer and the harder their cases become to ultimately prove. We must not allow perpetrators of abuse or the institutions that shielded them to evade accountability any longer.”
The Senate passed SB1 on Enero 11, 2023, which would have put a constitutional amendment creating a Window to Justice on the ballot. However, Senate Republicans added an amendment to require voters to show ID every time they vote, and another allowing resolutions to override executive regulations. Democrats nearly unanimously voted against the bill as amended, outraged that the GOP prioritized political agendas over justice for countless victims of child sex abuse.
“We have an opportunity before us to come together in a bipartisan way and provide healing and justice to victims of child sexual abuse – but the Senate Majority Party continues to allow personal political priorities to stand in the way of the needs of survivors,” said Senator Katie Muth. “Every single survivor is worthy of being heard, protected, and having their rightful pathway to justice and healing. It is time that the Senate supports these victims and passes standalone legislation that opens a statute of limitations window for victims of child sexual abuse.”
Because HB1 and HB2 were passed during Special Session by the House, the Senate would need to gavel into special session. Before leaving office, Governor Wolf called a special session. The senate will be in regular session for five days prior to breaking for budget hearings, during which the Senate Democratic Caucus is urging the Republican Caucus to open a special session and pass HB1 and HB2 swiftly.
“Now that the House has taken lead in bringing justice for survivors of childhood sexual assault, it’s time the Senate does the same,” said Senator Kearney. “We need to stop the partisan tactics around the statutory window. The victims deserve better, and we can provide better, we can provide justice now. I join my Democratic Colleagues in urging this legislature to open the special session and vote on these pieces of legislation. It’s the right thing to do.”
Video footage of the press conference is available for viewing at PASenate.com/video. Downloadable footage is available upon request.