Senator Santarsiero, Representatives Ullman and Warren Announce State Funding for Criminal Justice Programs
HARRISBURG − Junio 14, 2019 − State Senator Steve Santarsiero (D-10), and state Representatives Wendy Ullman (D-143) and Perry Warren (D-31), announced the award of over two million dollars in state grants from the Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency (PCCD) to various Bucks County-based organizations.
“From providing technological upgrades for local police departments to expanding services to organizations protecting victims of domestic violence, these grants will go so far in better protecting the residents of Bucks County,” Sen. Santarsiero said. “I look forward to working with my colleagues in the State House, Representatives Ullman and Warren, in delivering more resources to the critically important criminal justice programs that serve our communities.”
“I’m thrilled that these programs have received these grants because they serve some of the most vulnerable populations in our community,” Rep. Ullman said. “It’s critical that these programs have sufficient funds to perform the vital work they do. I will continue to look for more opportunities to support Bucks County.”
“This grant will help Lower Makefield upgrade its record management system, reduce costs and improve efficiency,” Rep. Warren said. “I will continue to look for opportunities to support municipal services in our communities.”
The following grants were awarded in the 10th senatorial district:
Criminal Justice Advisory Committee (CJAC)-Byrne Justice Assistance Grant: $10,000 for the Central Bucks Regional Police Department for a technology upgrade.
CJAC-2019 County Jail-Based Vivitrol Program: $500,000 to the Bucks County Commissioners for the Bucks County Jail-Based Recovery Programs.
CJAC-Residential Substance Abuse & Treatment (RSAT) Funds: $125,000 to Bucks County Commissioners for the Bucks County Corrections HEART Program.
Victims Services Advisory Committee (VSAC)-2019-2021 Victims of Crime Act (VOCA) Funding (Competitive): $541,940 to A Woman’s Place to expand critical domestic violence services
VSAC – 2019-2020 Victims of Crime Act (VOCA) Funding – Noncompetitive Extension: $510,506 to A Woman’s Place for the VOCA 19-20 Non-Competitive FA Extension. $850,846 was awarded to Network of Victim Assistance (NOVA) for the NOVA VOCA Project Extension.
CJAC – Byrne Justice Assistance Grant: $48,719 to Lower Makefield Township Lower Makefield to upgrade its record management system.
You can view all the grants awarded by the PCCD here.